CrashBot waits for users to upload files to discord and takes the file, and uploads said file to a hastebin style website so Moderators, helpers or anyone else can easily read the logs instead of having to download the logs every time one is posted.
You will need the following to utilize all of features:
- JDK (8)
- Eclipse or Java supported IDE
We will not provide any support whatsoever in obtaining any of the above.
Please do note that you will not receive any help whatsoever while trying to build your own, your expected to know what your doing.
- Make sure you have the prerequisites installed and running (Make sure your Java version is up-to-date)
- Clone this repository (you can also fork this repo and clone your fork).
- Open a Terminal in the root folder.
- Run
gradlew build
- Grab the jar from
- Run the bot
- On first run the terminal will ask for a bot-token (Again your excected to know how to obtain one)
Can be found in RELEASE_NOTES.
- ROMVoid95 - ROM
Please, follow Contributing page.
Please, follow Code of Conduct page.
This project is licensed under MIT - see the LICENSE file for details