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LIKWID and Monitoring

Thomas Roehl edited this page Nov 23, 2022 · 6 revisions

LIKWID and Monitoring systems

In cluster environments, often a monitoring system is in place to track activity on the system. Some are even a combination of ressource management systems (like SLURM, PBS, ...) and a monitoring solution. SLURM is one of those but there are others.


If SLURM tracks activity with hardware counters, it will probably skew the LIKWID measurements. Not sure whether it can be disabled on a per-job basis.


HTCondor is a high-throughput computing software framework with ressource management and monitoring. There is currently no way to disable HTCondor's usage of hardware counters. So at the moment, don't use LIKWID on such managed systems.

Performance Co-Pilot

Performance Co-Pilot or short PCP is a system performance analysis toolkit that measures hardware performance counters in the background. In order to run own measurements, you have to disable PCP for your environment.

Disable PCP's hardware performance counting for the whole shell:

perfalloc -d

Disable PCP's hardware performance counting just for the command:

perfalloc <command>
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