An SCRI nextflow profile for NF-Core for reference which is pulled to ''.
Please note that --assoc
parameter can be specified on the command line in nextflow run
or in the seattlechildrens.config
mamba activate nextflow
# For running on an interactive session on cybertron with singularity module loaded
nextflow run -c 'conf/seattlechildrens.config' \
nf-core/rnaseq \
-r 3.14.0 \
-profile test,sasquatch \
--outdir "/home/$USER/temp/nf-core-rnaseq-test" \
--assoc "rsc" \
--validationSchemaIgnoreParams 'assoc'
nextflow run -c 'conf/seattlechildrens.config' \
nf-core/fetchngs \
-r 1.12.0 \
-profile test,sasquatch \
--input ./ids.csv \
--download_method 'sratools' \
--assoc "rsc" \
--outdir "/home/$USER/fetchngs"
nf-core launch nf-core/methylseq -r 2.6.0
Preliminary updates for Sasquatch.
Built during nf-core biohackathon which synced for Cybertron and PBS.