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Quest IDs

Fexty edited this page Oct 6, 2024 · 1 revision
ID Name
0000101 Find the Ferns
0000102 Due for Dragon Amber
0000103 Medicinal Moths
0000104 Horns o' Plenty
0000105 A Fungal Hunt
0000106 Wipe Out!
0000107 Another Pack Attack
0000201 Harvest Tour: Jurassic Frontier
0000202 Harvest Tour: Dunes
0000203 Harvest Tour: Verdant Hills
0000204 Harvest Tour: Arctic Ridge
0000205 Harvest Tour: Misty Peaks
0000206 Vaulting Outlaw
0000207 Rambunctious Rhenoplos
0000208 On the Rebound
0000209 A Berry Good Idea
0000210 A Fern is Forever
0000211 Jurassic Frontier Accounting
0000212 Gendrome Roadblock
0000213 The Land Sharq
0000214 Slay the Genprey!
0000215 Hermit Grab
0000216 Birthday Berries
0000217 Liver of Legend!
0000218 Dunes Accounting
0000219 Hunt Down the Velocidrome!
0000220 Slay the Velociprey!
0000221 Bullfango Tango
0000222 Prime Premium Sashimi
0000223 Verdant Hills Accounting
0000224 The Mountain Roughrider
0000225 Slay the Giaprey!
0000226 A Pack of Blangos
0000227 Medicinal Mountain Herbs
0000228 Arctic Ridge Accounting
0000229 Arzuros the Azure Beast
0000230 Bye Bye Jaggia
0000231 Howling Harassment
0000232 Fungal Fad
0000233 Sunsnug Sprout Courier
0000234 Misty Peaks Accounting
0000301 Harvest Tour: Deserted Island
0000302 Harvest Tour: Marshlands
0000303 Tusked Tantrum
0000304 Stomping Grounds
0000305 Chasing Tail
0000306 Jurassic Treasure: The Frog
0000307 Bit by the Fashion Bug
0000308 Tumultuous Sprouts
0000309 Tumultuous Sprouts
0000310 Fishy Favor
0000311 Crustacean Frustration
0000312 The Desert Gourmand
0000313 Konchu Collector
0000314 Cancer of the Dunes
0000315 Deliver the Liver
0000316 Farming Frustrations
0000317 Financial Focus on Fungus
0000318 Local Threat
0000319 Into the Wyvern's Den
0000320 Into the Wyvern's Den
0000321 Snow with Occasional Lagombi
0000322 Anteka Anticipation
0000323 The Shadow in the Mountains
0000324 No Go on the Popo
0000325 No Go on the Popo
0000326 Bully the Bullfango
0000327 For Whom the Egg Yolks
0000328 Royal Spit Take
0000329 A Forest Fracas
0000330 A Forest Fracas
0000331 Royal Honey Hunt
0000332 Current Events
0000333 The Crabbiest Catch
0000334 Pack Woes
0000335 The Fungus Among Us
0000336 Moofah Must-haves
0000337 Deserted Island Accounting
0000338 Sunsnug Isle Rescue!
0000339 Robbed Blind
0000340 Pest Control
0000341 Travelers in Trouble
0000342 Royal Rhinos Gone Wild
0000343 Marshlands Accounting
0000401 Harvest Tour: Volcano
0000402 The Nocturnal Enchanter
0000403 Wyvern of the Wind
0000404 Jurassic Treasure: The Bug
0000405 Unlock the Secret to...
0000406 A Unique Cuppa
0000407 Hunt-a-thon: Gendrome
0000408 Mining: The Final Frontier
0000409 Wrath of the Rathian
0000410 Noise Violation
0000411 Hunt-a-thon: Yian Kut-Ku
0000412 Hunt-a-thon: Velocidrome
0000413 The New Tenant
0000414 Lagombi Lair
0000415 Hungry Eyes
0000416 Royal Pains
0000417 Peddling Practice
0000418 Island Menace
0000419 Deviled Legs
0000420 Hunt-a-thon: Daimyo Hermitaur
0000421 Marshlands Mission
0000422 Serpentine Samba
0000423 Lurkin' in the Murk
0000424 Crustacean Infestation
0000425 Tumbling Troublemaker
0000426 Crustacean Infatuation
0000427 Rocking the Uroktor
0000428 Great Ore Discovery
0000429 Volcano Accounting
0000501 The Dark Age
0000502 Trifecta of Terror
0000503 Garuga of the Hills
0000504 The Thunderclaw Wyvern
0000505 Fungus Fetch
0000506 Two Roars in the Snow
0000507 Hunt-a-thon: Khezu
0000508 The Unwavering Colossus
0000509 Lagiacrus Fuss
0000510 The Entrancing Water Dancer
0000511 The Fisherman's Fiend
0000512 Island Heat
0000513 Double Vision
0000514 Hunt-a-thon: Gypceros
0000515 Behind Closed Ores
0000516 A King, Robed in Smoke
0000517 Fight or Uragaan!
0000518 Great Knuckleballs o' Fire!
0000519 Hunt-a-thon: Iodrome
0000520 Envoy to Disaster
0000521 A Late Jurassic Excursion
0000522 A Sandy Battle Royale
0000523 Scientific Method
0000601 The Scorching Blade
0000602 Dark Wings, Dark Work
0000603 Tuff Turf
0000604 From Beyond the Sands
0000605 Tigrex by the Tail
0000606 A Thousand Scales of Dread
0000607 The Perilous Pair
0000608 The Hero's Journey
0000609 The Bellowing Zinogre
0000610 Brachydios Mio!
0000611 Under the Gaze of Heaven
0000612 Break the Brachydios
0000613 Night Terrors
0000614 Bristly Fanged Beasts
0000615 Drawing the Waterline
0000616 The Cankerous Quagmire
0000617 Volcano Triple Play
0000618 It's Electric
0000619 The White Brute
0000620 Stop the Wheel
0000621 The Fated Four
0000622 Advanced: Fungus Fetchin'
0000623 Advanced: Jurassic Treasure
0000624 Advanced: Sly Swooper
0000625 Advanced: Invoking Rath
0000626 Advanced: Seismic Scares
0000627 Advanced: Twinkle Toes
0000628 Advanced: Seltas Queen
0000629 Advanced: The Goliaths
0000630 Advanced: Barrage of Blue
0000631 Advanced: Seeing Red
0000632 Advanced: Nothing is Sacred
0000633 Advanced: Snowtal Recall
0000634 Advanced: Invisible Thief
0000635 Advanced: Teostra's Return
0000636 Advanced: Might is Right
0000637 Advanced: State in Flux
0000638 Advanced: The Field's a Stage
0000639 Advanced: Wrath of Rath
0000640 Advanced: The Golden Pair
0000641 Advanced: Out of the Fry Pan
0000701 Harvest Tour: Desert
0000702 Harvest Tour: Ruined Pinnacle
0000703 Bug Appétit Encore
0000704 Azure Azure Can Be
0000705 Investment Flanking
0000706 Kut-Ku Misunderstood
0000707 Enough Monkeying Around
0000708 The Killer Rabbit of Arctic Ridge
0000709 Poisoned for Action
0000710 Spit It Out
0000711 Fashion Victim
0000712 Murakami: Volvidon
0000713 Research Team's First Rodeo
0000714 Ruined Pinnacle, RUINED
0000715 Brave New Ore
0000716 Taking Royal Liberties
0000717 A Friend in Need
0000718 March of the Genprey
0000719 On Burrowed Time
0000720 A Berry Dubious Idea
0000721 Harvest Tour: Ancestral Steppe
0000722 Harvest Tour: Primal Forest
0000723 Harvest Tour: Jurassic Frontier
0000724 Harvest Tour: Dunes
0000725 Harvest Tour: Verdant Hills
0000726 Harvest Tour: Arctic Ridge
0000727 Harvest Tour: Misty Peaks
0000728 Defiant Maccao
0000729 Wyvern Egg Delivery: Breakfast
0000730 Husk Hunter
0000732 Dune the Honors
0000733 Eau de Congalala
0000734 Bag a Barroth!
0000735 Verdant Hills Horror
0000736 Season's Eatings
0000801 Harvest Tour: Jungle
0000802 Perfectly Normal Rock
0000803 Dazed and Confused
0000804 Bloof!
0000805 Khezu Deserve It
0000806 Primal Forest Arachnids
0000807 Grapes of Rathian
0000808 It's Gonna Eat Me!
0000809 Airship Upgrade: Plesioth
0000810 Whiteout
0000811 Airship Upgrade: Lavasioth
0000812 Naked Aggression
0000813 The Perils of Commerce
0000814 Airship Upgrade: Nargacuga
0000815 Wrong Bird, Idiots...
0000816 A Trace of Light
0000817 Shell Game
0000818 It's Not Uragaan's, It's Mine!
0000819 Murakami: Unstuck Part (temp)
0000820 Harvest Tour: Frozen Seaway
0000821 Harvest Tour: Volcanic Hollow
0000822 Harvest Tour: Deserted Island
0000823 Harvest Tour: Marshlands
0000824 Harvest Tour: Volcano
0000825 Mushroom for Improvement
0000826 I See It Rollin'...
0000827 Wyvern Egg
0000828 Wyvern Egg Delivery: Lunch
0000829 My New Life as a Maccao
0000830 Much Ado about Najarala
0000831 A Seaway Just for You
0000832 A Cure for Laziness
0000833 The Furtilizer That Time Furgot
0000834 Just Deserts
0000835 Fishing's Lure
0000836 A Royal Rumble
0000837 The Way of the Nargacuga
0000838 Deserted Island Missive
0000839 Marshlands Horror Story
0000840 Volcanic Vexations
0000901 Airship Upgrade: Barioth
0000902 The Fly in the Ointment
0000903 You're under a Rath
0000904 Lagiacrus x Width x Height
0000905 Whatdunnit
0000906 Wish upon a...Gravios?
0000907 Man, Mizutsune Again?
0000908 Alas, Astalos Again
0000909 Groan, Gammoth Again
0000910 Great, Glavenus Again
0000911 You Had One Job
0000913 Earn Your Gear
0000914 Fearful Symmetry
0000915 Impossible Standards
0000916 Ruined and Tarnished
0000917 Rathalos Topping
0000918 Taming of the Zinogre
0000919 Ore d'Oeuvres
0000920 Desert Death Duel
0000921 Soap Opera
0000922 Mt. Duramboros
0000923 A Jungle Just for You
0000924 Flappy Pest
0000925 Pheromone Moans
0000926 Primal Panic
0000927 Distress Signal
0000928 Snow Joke
0000929 Ruler of the Frozen Seaway
0000930 An Ice Surprise
0000931 Capture the Agnaktor
0000932 Desert Double Act
0000933 Interruption: Eggstra Delivery
0000934 Once upon a Barioth
0000935 Snowball Skirmish
0000936 Sky Tribe: Rice to the Occasion
0000937 My Kirin for a Horse
0000938 Disaster on the Steppes
0000939 Jurassic Frontier Fracas
0000940 Just a Mirage...?
0000941 Trouble Comes in Threes
0001001 Thousand-Blade Brouhaha
0001002 Duel With the Devil
0001003 Bad Hair Day: Brachydios
0001004 Wheel of Time
0001005 Beware the Comet of Disaster
0001006 Roar of the Rajang
0001007 Deviljho Food Cake
0001008 Murakami: Chaotic Gore Magala
0001009 Advanced: Steel Yourself
0001011 Advanced: Empire of the Sun
0001012 Advanced: Wrong One Silver
0001013 Advanced: Heart of Gold
0001014 Murakami: Rajang
0001015 Murakami: Deviljho
0001016 Murakami: (G Rank) Brachydios
0001017 King of Hellfire
0001018 The Seat of a God
0001019 Stormlord
0001020 An Almost-Certainly-Fine Comet
0001021 Turn That Frown Upside Down
0001022 The Baleful Comet
0001026 Grave Peril
0001027 Advanced: Monster Hunter!
0001028 Advanced: Proof of a Champion
0001029 Advanced: Wycademy Challenge
0001030 Advanced: Guild's Greatest Hit
0001031 Deviljho Dispossession
0001032 Red Dragon, Green Dragon
0001033 Primal Panic
0001034 A Cure for Idleness
0001035 Bring Me My Sword
0001036 Horned and Dangerous
0001037 Barioth's Blizzard
0001038 Bag a Brachydios
0001039 Blazing Black of a Dark God
0001040 Advanced: Ranging Rathalos
0001041 Advanced: Roaring in the Ridge
0001042 Advanced: Moonlight Zinogre
0001043 (G-rank) Silver Rathalos
0001044 Advanced: Trial at the Pinnacle
0001045 Advanced: Karma Chameleos
0001046 Coalition of Chaos
0001047 Verdant Hills Just for You
0001048 Misty Peaks Missive
0001049 Deserted Islands Horror
0001050 The Marshlands Morass
0001051 Advanced: Jurassic Pair
0001052 Advanced: Quarrel Quelling
0001053 Beware the Comet of Disaster
0001054 Wyvern Egg Delivery: Dinner
0001055 Advanced: Ultimate Generation
0010101 Harvest Tour: Jurassic Frontier
0010102 Harvest Tour: Dunes
0010103 Harvest Tour: Verdant Hills
0010104 Harvest Tour: Arctic Ridge
0010105 Harvest Tour: Misty Peaks
0010106 Boot to the Head
0010107 Tackling the Tetsucabra
0010108 Lost in the Jurassic Frontier
0010109 Red-Faced Ruffians
0010110 A Fern is Forever
0010111 Gendrome Roadblock
0010112 In Pursuit of the Sand Wyvern
0010113 Shells of Steel
0010114 Hermitaur Party
0010115 Ingredient Hunter
0010116 Hunt Down the Velocidrome!
0010117 Local Threat
0010118 Financial Focus on Fungus
0010119 Farming Frustrations
0010120 Snow with Occasional Lagombi
0010121 Preying on Giaprey
0010122 Special Home Brew
0010123 Bulldrome of the Peaks
0010124 The Ingredient of Legend
0010125 Royal Spit Take
0010126 A Mother's Woes
0010127 Jaggi Junket
0010128 The Next Best Thing
0010201 Harvest Tour: Deserted Island
0010202 Harvest Tour: Marshlands
0010203 Insomnia? Meet Hypnotism
0010204 Walk 'n Roll
0010205 Rocking Rhenoplos
0010206 The Desert Gourmand
0010207 Tongue-Tied
0010208 The Poison-fanged Duo
0010209 Konchu Collector
0010210 Liver of Legend!
0010211 Noise Violation
0010212 In Search of the Yian Garuga
0010213 Finishing the Job
0010214 Fresh is Best
0010215 The Shadow in the Mountains
0010216 The New Tenant
0010217 Blango Slaying Tactics
0010218 Operation: Secure Specimen
0010219 Royal Assassination
0010220 Ahoy! Royal Ludroth!
0010221 Bye Bye Jaggia
0010222 Malfestio Festival
0010223 Wyvern of the Wind
0010224 Tetsucabra Bounty
0010225 Deserted Island Dustup
0010226 Bnahabra Bloodbath
0010227 Poisonous Pest
0010228 Pincer through the Sky
0010229 Serpentine Samba
0010230 Ioprey Hunting
0010231 Attack of the Giant Bugs!
0010232 Collect to Combine
0010301 Harvest Tour: Volcano
0010302 Flames of Glavenus Passion
0010303 Tigrex by the Tail
0010304 Dark Wings, Dark Work
0010305 Fossilized Memories
0010306 A Thousand Scales of Dread
0010307 A Shocking Scoundrel
0010308 The King's Domain
0010309 Fury Run Afoul
0010310 Lagiacrus Lethargy
0010311 Moonlit Bubble Bath
0010312 Topple the Monarch
0010313 Lagiacrushed
0010314 Tuff Turf
0010315 Isle About that Bass
0010316 Heaven and Earth
0010317 Fro Shizzle
0010318 Bladed Glavenus
0010319 Fight or Uragaan!
0010320 The Shogun's Encampment
0010321 Crustacean Infestation
0010322 Scavengers United
0010323 More Coal Please
0010324 An Early Jurassic Excursion
0010325 Wyvern Sand Runners
0010326 Zinogre, Bearly Fazed
0010327 Making it Safe for Swine
0010328 Rumble in the Volcano
0010329 It's Electric
0010330 The White Brute
0010331 The Frozen Dictator
0010332 The Elder Dragon of Mist
0010333 Emperor of Flame
0010334 Stop the Wheel
0010335 Two-headed Carcass
0010401 Harvest Tour: A. Steppe
0010402 Harvest Tour: Primal Forest
0010403 Harvest Tour: Jurassic Frontier
0010404 Harvest Tour: Dunes
0010405 Harvest Tour: Verdant Hills
0010406 Harvest Tour: Arctic Ridge
0010407 Harvest Tour: Misty Peaks
0010408 Swing into Action
0010409 Ruining the Ruins
0010410 Bag the Bounding Bandit
0010411 Jaggi of the Steppe
0010412 Ancestral Steppe Fungus Run
0010413 Bug Appétit
0010414 Gendrome Roadblock
0010415 Lost in the Primal Forest
0010416 Hunt Down the Velocidrome!
0010417 Poison Paralysis Pinch
0010418 Crystal Bone Collector
0010419 Hair of the Dog
0010420 Tackling the Tetsucabra
0010421 So Notable: Great Maccao
0010422 The Land Sharq
0010423 Shells of Steel
0010424 Birds of a Feather
0010425 Bullfango Brigade
0010426 Delicious White Livers
0010427 The Bulldrome Charges
0010428 Snow with Occasional Lagombi
0010429 Arzuros Encroaches
0010430 Royal Spit Take
0010431 Netting Neopterons
0010432 Clash of Rivals
0010433 A Powerful Team
0010434 Enter the Giadrome
0010501 Harvest Tour: Frozen Seaway
0010502 Harvest Tour: Volcanic Hollow
0010503 Harvest Tour: Deserted Island
0010504 Harvest Tour: Marshlands
0010505 Harvest Tour: Volcano
0010506 So Notable: Kecha Wacha
0010507 Ancestral Steppe Accounting
0010508 Dragon Lady
0010509 The Ioprey Leader
0010510 The Intelligent Malfestio
0010511 Serpentine Samba
0010512 Spotted Beauty
0010513 Primal Forest Accounting
0010514 Fin Finder
0010515 The Walls Have Eyes
0010516 Must Love Lagombi
0010517 Zamite Fight
0010518 Stone-cold Stones
0010519 Liver and Let Die
0010520 Fight or Uragaan!
0010521 Worst. Trip. Ever!
0010522 Tetsucabra Bounty
0010523 Close Coal
0010524 Nargacuga Throwdown
0010525 Insomnia? Meet Hypnotism x 2
0010526 The Desert Gourmand
0010527 Line in the Sand
0010528 Wrath of the Rathian
0010529 Twin Velocidrome
0010530 The New Tenant
0010531 A Plesioth in the Misty Peaks
0010532 Awful Guest
0010533 Poisonous Pair
0010534 Attack of the Giant Bugs!
0010535 You Caught This? I Caught This
0010536 Tumbling Troublemaker
0010537 Shogun in the Flames
0010538 The Most Dangerous Game
0010539 Status: Effected
0010540 Desert Brawlers
0010541 The Hunter Games
0010542 Hunt, Sweat, and Tears
0010543 Pink Stink
0010544 Brute of the Sands
0010545 Disruptive Eruption
0010546 Web Sighting
0010601 The Lightning Crown
0010602 What a Girl Wants
0010603 Rathalos Run
0010604 Watch Your Steppe
0010605 Bug Buffet
0010606 A Bewitching Dance
0010607 Dread Locked
0010608 The Unshakable Mountain God
0010609 Topple the Monarch
0010610 Bedevil a Deviljho
0010611 Frozen Seaway Accounting
0010612 Master of the Molten Deep
0010613 Duel in the Volcanic Hollow
0010614 Volcanic Hollow Accounting
0010615 Bug Bite
0010616 Heaven and Earth
0010617 From Beyond the Sands
0010618 Legend of the Monkey King
0010619 Astalos Territory
0010620 Lord of the Skies
0010621 The Rajang in the Snow
0010622 Fury Run Afoul
0010623 Bl-Bl-Blangongas!
0010624 Surrounded by Bubbles
0010625 The Moving Mountain
0010626 The Fisherman's Fiend
0010627 Open Season for Jaggia
0010628 For Whom the Gong Tolls
0010629 Quartz Rivalry
0010630 We Can Dig It
0010631 Coal Hearted
0010632 River of Fire
0010633 Dances with Wyverns
0010634 Bugging Out
0010635 A Three Hour Tour
0010636 A Hollow Defense
0010637 Wild Gunman
0010638 Marshlands Rag
0010639 Firefight to the Finish!
0010640 At the Slayground
0010641 It's Electric
0010642 The White Brute
0010643 A Scenic Locale
0010644 Miasma Attack
0010645 Stop the Wacha!
0010646 We Are Not Amused
0010647 Zamtrios Fight!
0010648 The Frog of War
0010649 Triple Toady Terror
0010650 The Coal Still Burns
0010651 Woe Malfestio
0010652 Born of Darkness
0010653 Nibeling on Apples
0010654 Warning: Hyper Yian Garuga!
0010655 Hyper for Holes
0010656 The Plesioth Adventure
0010657 Daimyo of the Deserted Island
0010658 Where the Wild Manes Are
0010659 Hyper Investigation
0010660 The Khezu and the Shadow
0010661 Bring On the Shogun
0010662 Unnerving Najarala
0010663 Eruption Embodied
0010664 The Magma's Rage
0010665 Minion Audition Imposition
0010666 @
0010667 @
0010668 @
0010669 @
0010670 Barioth Hunt
0010671 A Cure for Cowardice
0010701 Stop the Wheel
0010702 A Gathering of Wyverns
0010703 A Song of White and Lapis
0010704 A Cold Set of Armor
0010705 Rocked and Rolled
0010706 So Notable: Seregios
0010707 Hammer vs. Blade
0010708 A Roar to the Heavens
0010709 The Hapless Bodyguard
0010710 Seer of Swords
0010711 The Yukumo Gal Special
0010712 Repaying the Favor
0010713 You Bet Your Life
0010714 Wyvern's Way
0010715 Bewitching Heat
0010716 The Mountain God's Lightning
0010717 A Man's Arena is His Castle
0010718 The Hunter Games
0010719 The Flames of War
0010720 A Shocking Revelation!
0010721 The Gathering Storm
0010722 Hellfire Star
0010723 Putting the Gore in Magala
0010724 Tigrex, Tigrex, Burning Bright
0010725 A Thousand Blades of Wrath
0010726 A Fiery Temper
0010727 The Unassailable Seltas Queen
0010728 Savage Sword of the Desert
0010729 Wyvernlit Evening
0010730 Wyverns All Around Us
0010731 Wild Gods, Calm Rangers
0010732 Into the Maelstrom
0010733 The Lithe and Unbreaking
0010734 The Peril of the Land
0010735 The Wolf and the Footbath
0010736 The Thieving Gypceros
0010737 Steam and Smoke
0010738 The Glowing Embers
0010739 Primal Forest Defense
0010740 The End of the Trials
0010741 The Descending Fog
0010742 Searching for Secret Baths
0010743 Show Me Your Shaka-Strength
0010744 The Marshlands Nightmare
0010745 The Birds of Prey
0010746 The Fanged Beasts
0010747 The Winged Wyverns
0010748 The Foes of the Deep
0010749 The Beasts of Brawn
0010750 Ring of the Silver Sol
0010751 Ring of the Golden Lune
0010752 Usurpers of the Throne
0010753 Child of Destruction
0010754 A Shock in the Dark
0010755 Triumphant Rage
0010756 The Frozen Dictator
0010757 Kushala Daora Strikes
0010758 The Elder Dragon of Mist
0010759 Beyond the Silence
0010760 Emperor of Flame
0010761 The Fires of Devastation
0010762 Grim Tidings
0010763 Absolute Zero
0010764 The Looming Calamity
0010765 The Brilliant Darkness
0010766 @
0010767 @
0010768 Legendary Skills?
0010769 @
0010770 Steppe in the Right Direction
0010771 Rajang's Black Spirit
0010772 Following the Fallen
0010773 Fool's Gold
0010774 Shining Examples
0011101 Harvest Tour: Ruined Pinnacle
0011102 Harvest Tour: Desert
0011103 A Brush with Bugs
0011104 Riverside Rumble
0011105 Survival of the Biggest
0011106 Pecking Order
0011107 Enough Monkeying Around
0011108 The Killer Rabbit of Arctic Ridge
0011109 Lost, But Not for Long
0011110 Pleasantly Sozzled
0011111 Surprise!
0011112 A Berry Dubious Idea
0011113 Daimyo Hermitaur Flambé
0011114 Ruined Pinnacle, RUINED
0011115 Content for G Rank holy ground (placeholder)
0011116 Sweetheart's Pick: Lofty Ludroth
0011117 Harvest Tour: Ancestral Steppe
0011118 Harvest Tour: Primal Forest
0011119 Harvest Tour: Jurassic Frontier
0011120 Harvest Tour: Dunes
0011121 Harvest Tour: Verdant Hills
0011122 Harvest Tour: Arctic Ridge
0011123 Harvest Tour: Misty Peaks
0011124 After That Bird!
0011125 Fangs for the Bath
0011126 Just Five Morel Minutes...
0011127 Face Two Face
0011128 Antony and Tetsucabra
0011129 The Bird Who Wood Be King
0011130 Water Fight
0011201 Harvest Tour: Jungle
0011202 I See It Rollin'...
0011203 Not Mushroom to Swing a Congalala
0011204 Dirty Deals
0011205 That's No Rock...
0011206 Treasure Pinnacle: Rice
0011207 Through Thick and Fin
0011208 Chilled to the Marrow
0011209 Feeding Time
0011210 Sky Tribe: Savior of the Skyway
0011211 Share the Load (and the Reward)
0011212 Shadows in the Desert Lake
0011213 Earn Your Strength
0011214 Feeling Generally Crabby
0011215 A Coil to Arms
0011216 Face-off in the Jungle
0011217 Poisoned Primal Forest
0011218 Hit the Lights
0011219 Shelling Out for Fashion
0011220 Harvest Tour: Frozen Seaway
0011221 Harvest Tour: Deserted Island
0011222 Harvest Tour: Marshlands
0011223 Harvest Tour: Volcano
0011224 The Legend of King Apple
0011225 Smithy Business
0011226 Royal Assassination
0011227 Zamite Fright
0011228 Fishing's Lure
0011229 The Next Stage of E-Volvi-lution
0011230 Brute of the Sands
0011231 Trade Dispute
0011232 We've Reached Peak Blangonga
0011233 Please Plesioth Me!
0011234 Jumping at Shadows
0011235 The Owled Man and the Sea
0011236 The Shadow in the Cave
0011237 March Melancolico
0011238 Interruption: Conga Line
0011239 Commission: Basarios
0011240 Great Ore Discovery
0011241 Minion's Devotion
0011242 So Notable: Hyper Hermitaur
0011243 Revenge from the Skies
0011244 Commission: Hyper Kecha Wacha
0011245 Frog's Face, Demon's Heart
0011246 The Hype is Royal
0011247 The Verdant Hills Are Alive
0011248 Queen of the Ruined Pinnacle
0011249 Afro Soul Is a Way of Life
0011250 Naked Aggression
0011301 G-rank: Lavasioth
0011302 The Unapproachable Yian Garuga
0011303 Uragaan Grief
0011304 The Lost Expedition
0011305 The Royal Guard
0011306 Predator in the Hills
0011307 The Sun, Also Wyverns
0011308 Return from the Pinnacle
0011309 A Certain Gravitas
0011310 Water Kerfuffle
0011311 Pinnacle Pioneering
0011312 Ice Recovery
0011313 The Boiling Broiling Desert
0011314 Eclipse at Jurassic Frontier
0011316 A Pinnacle Just for You
0011317 The Phantom Beast!
0011318 Reality or Fantasy?
0011319 Giant Dragon Invasion
0011320 Revenge From the Skies
0011321 G: Hyper Kecha Wacha
0011322 The Verdant Hills Are Alive
0011323 Frog's Face, Demon's Heart
0011324 G: Hyper Daimyo Hermitaur
0011325 Trial by Fart
0011326 The Hype is Royal
0011327 The Mud Must Flow
0011328 The Pinnacle of Good Records
0011329 Sweets for My Sweets
0011330 Zamtrios, Right Ahead!
0011331 Frozen Seaway Horror Story
0011332 Temnoceranophobia
0011333 The Pinnacle of Terror
0011334 Eat in Pieces
0011335 Diabolical Deluge
0011336 Shhhhut Up
0011337 It's a Miner's Life
0011338 No Place to Run
0011339 ...Or Just Wait for It to Poop
0011340 Nargacuga in the Jurassic Frontier
0011341 G-rank: Hyper Yian Garuga
0011342 G-rank: Hyper Uragaan
0011343 Harvest Tour: Volcanic Hollow
0011344 Paralyzing Peril
0011345 Problem at the Pinnacle
0011346 Strutting the Royal Runway
0011347 Hunt-a-Thon: Yian Garuga
0011348 Primal Forest Fears
0011349 Hunt-a-Thon: Gravios
0011350 Hunter Dojo: Tail-do
0011351 It's Gotta Be Coal
0011352 PR Disaster
0011353 I Hope It's Not Barioth Flavored
0011354 Hunter Dojo: Tusk-fu
0011355 Howl at the Moon
0011356 Hunter Dojo: Bubble-jitsu
0011357 "Kiken" Means "Danger"!
0011358 Hunter Dojo: Lightning Wushu
0011359 Heavenly Fire, Earthly Flame
0011360 Frontier Fisticuffs
0011361 Down With This Sort of Thing
0011362 Endurance
0011363 Searing Sands
0011364 Endurance
0011365 Arena Bakalaka-Battle! Woo!
0011366 Material Old Girl
0011367 Let the Games Begin
0011401 Sky Render
0011402 Lavaclad Beast
0011403 Battle of 1001 Blades
0011404 Misty Opportunity?
0011405 Tracing the Family Tree
0011406 Beware Twin Horns on the Sand
0011407 Slam Gunk
0011408 Ends of the Earth
0011409 Paint It Gold
0011410 Everything in Moderation
0011411 Heaven and Hell
0011412 Blizzard Blower
0011413 Steel Yourself
0011414 Out of Thin Air
0011415 Into Thin Air
0011416 Explosion Marks the Spot
0011417 Sandblasting
0011418 Silver-Tongued Storyteller
0011419 Gold Digger
0011420 The Jungle VIP
0011421 Deranged Desert Deviljho
0011422 Brachydios Brute Squad
0011423 Trial by Akantor
0011424 Polar Peril
0011425 Who Will Hunt the Rain?
0011431 A Bone to Pick
0011432 Castle on the Run
0011433 Setting the Barioth High
0011434 Neopteronophobia
0011435 Let's Get Igneous
0011436 Seeking the Sea King
0011437 @
0011438 Marshland Fandango
0011439 It Takes Mizutsune to Tango
0011440 If These Rocks Could Talk
0011441 The Big Push
0011442 All Creatures Cleaved and Small
0011443 Agnaktor's Deep
0011444 Something Wicked
0011445 Seregios Exposé
0011446 Appeal from Authority
0011447 Tigrex Trap
0011448 Backwater Battle
0011449 Even Brachydios Need A Holiday
0011450 Path of the Hunter
0011454 Fade to Black
0011455 Glory Glory Alatreon
0011456 The End Is Nigh
0011457 Old Fatalis
0011458 Supersonic
0011459 Hunter Dojo: Valstrax-ryu
0011460 Scales of Justice
0011461 Deviljho Hunt
0011462 Price Freeze
0011463 Seregios Scuffle
0011464 Diabolical Delight
0011465 Emergency at the Arctic Ridge!
0011466 Brachydios Bypass
0011467 A Very Long Engravement
0011468 A Titanic Clash
0011469 The Ol' Razzle Dazzle
0011470 Quest of Friendship
0011471 Fiery Four-way Fracas
0011472 Pitched Pinnacle Battle
0011473 A Tragedy in Silver and Gold
0011474 Rajang Against The Machine
0011475 What's Mine is Mine
0011476 A Jurassic Frontier Just for You
0011477 By the Light of the Silvery Rath
0011478 Zinogre-enthusiasm
0011479 Arctic Ridge Allegiances
0011480 Arena Allegiances
0011481 The Sun and the Moon
0011482 Primal Screams
0011483 Garuga's Comeuppance
0011484 Jurassic Skulduggery
0011485 Verdant Hills Missive
0011486 R.I.P.
0011487 Death at My Greaves
0011488 Pinnacle Problems
0011489 A Bed of Sand
0011490 Jungle Funk
0020001 Grudge Match: Malfestio
0020002 Grudge Match: Khezu
0020003 Grudge Match: Najarala
0020004 Grudge Match: Rathalos
0020005 Grudge Match: Kecha Wacha
0020006 Grudge Match: Plesioth
0020007 Grudge Match: Brachydios
0020008 Grudge Match: Barioth
0020009 Grudge Match: Yian Garuga
0020010 Grudge Match: Uragaan
0020011 Grudge Match: Seregios
0030101 Hunter Training: The Basics
0030102 Hunter Training: Combining
0030103 Hunter Training: Mining
0030104 Hunter Training: Fishing
0030105 Hunter Training: Transporting
0030106 Hunter Training: Slaying
0030107 Hunter Training: Capturing
0030201 Guild Style Training
0030202 Striker Style Training
0030203 Aerial Style Training
0030204 Adept Style Training
0030205 Guild Style Training
0030206 Striker Style Training
0030207 Aerial Style Training
0030208 Adept Style Training
0030209 Guild Style Training
0030210 Striker Style Training
0030211 Aerial Style Training
0030212 Adept Style Training
0030213 Guild Style Training
0030214 Striker Style Training
0030215 Aerial Style Training
0030216 Adept Style Training
0030217 Guild Style Training
0030218 Striker Style Training
0030219 Aerial Style Training
0030220 Adept Style Training
0030221 Guild Style Training
0030222 Striker Style Training
0030223 Aerial Style Training
0030224 Adept Style Training
0030225 Guild Style Training
0030226 Striker Style Training
0030227 Aerial Style Training
0030228 Adept Style Training
0030229 Guild Style Training
0030230 Striker Style Training
0030231 Aerial Style Training
0030232 Adept Style Training
0030233 Guild Style Training
0030234 Striker Style Training
0030235 Aerial Style Training
0030236 Adept Style Training
0030237 Guild Style Training
0030238 Striker Style Training
0030239 Aerial Style Training
0030240 Adept Style Training
0030241 Guild Style Training
0030242 Striker Style Training
0030243 Aerial Style Training
0030244 Adept Style Training
0030245 Guild Style Training
0030246 Striker Style Training
0030247 Aerial Style Training
0030248 Adept Style Training
0030249 Guild Style Training
0030250 Striker Style Training
0030251 Aerial Style Training
0030252 Adept Style Training
0030253 Guild Style Training
0030254 Striker Style Training
0030255 Aerial Style Training
0030256 Adept Style Training
0030257 Valor Style Training
0030258 Alchemy Style Training
0030259 SP Hunter Arts Training
0030260 Valor Style Training
0030261 Alchemy Style Training
0030262 SP Hunter Arts Training
0030263 Valor Style Training
0030264 Alchemy Style Training
0030265 SP Hunter Arts Training
0030266 Valor Style Training
0030267 Alchemy Style Training
0030268 SP Hunter Arts Training
0030269 Valor Style Training
0030270 Alchemy Style Training
0030271 SP Hunter Arts Training
0030272 Valor Style Training
0030273 Alchemy Style Training
0030274 SP Hunter Arts Training
0030275 Valor Style Training
0030276 Alchemy Style Training
0030277 SP Hunter Arts Training
0030278 Valor Style Training
0030279 Alchemy Style Training
0030280 SP Hunter Arts Training
0030281 Valor Style Training
0030282 Alchemy Style Training
0030283 SP Hunter Arts Training
0030284 Valor Style Training
0030285 Alchemy Style Training
0030286 SP Hunter Arts Training
0030287 Valor Style Training
0030288 Alchemy Style Training
0030289 SP Hunter Arts Training
0030290 Valor Style Training
0030291 Alchemy Style Training
0030292 SP Hunter Arts Training
0030293 Valor Style Training
0030294 Alchemy Style Training
0030295 SP Hunter Arts Training
0030296 Valor Style Training
0030297 Alchemy Style Training
0030298 SP Hunter Arts Training
0040101 Redhelm I: Hunt
0040102 Redhelm II: Capture
0040103 Redhelm III: Hunt
0040104 Redhelm IV: Hunt
0040105 Redhelm V: Hunt
0040106 Redhelm VI: Hunt
0040107 Redhelm VII: Capture
0040108 Redhelm VIII: Hunt
0040109 Redhelm IX: Hunt
0040110 Redhelm X: Hunt
0040111 Redhelm G1: Capture
0040112 Redhelm G2: Hunt
0040113 Redhelm G3: Hunt
0040114 Redhelm G4: Hunt
0040115 Redhelm G5: Hunt
0040116 Redhelm EX: Hunt
0040201 Snowbaron I: Hunt
0040202 Snowbaron II: Capture
0040203 Snowbaron III: Hunt
0040204 Snowbaron IV: Hunt
0040205 Snowbaron V: Hunt
0040206 Snowbaron VI: Hunt
0040207 Snowbaron VII: Capture
0040208 Snowbaron VIII: Hunt
0040209 Snowbaron IX: Hunt
0040210 Snowbaron X: Hunt
0040211 Snowbaron G1: Capture
0040212 Snowbaron G2: Hunt
0040213 Snowbaron G3: Hunt
0040214 Snowbaron G4: Hunt
0040215 Snowbaron G5: Hunt
0040216 Snowbaron EX: Hunt
0040301 Stonefist I: Hunt
0040302 Stonefist II: Capture
0040303 Stonefist III: Hunt
0040304 Stonefist IV: Hunt
0040305 Stonefist V: Hunt
0040306 Stonefist VI: Hunt
0040307 Stonefist VII: Capture
0040308 Stonefist VIII: Hunt
0040309 Stonefist IX: Hunt
0040310 Stonefist X: Hunt
0040311 Stonefist G1: Capture
0040312 Stonefist G2: Hunt
0040313 Stonefist G3: Hunt
0040314 Stonefist G4: Hunt
0040315 Stonefist G5: Hunt
0040316 Stonefist EX: Hunt
0040401 Dreadqueen I: Hunt
0040402 Dreadqueen II: Capture
0040403 Dreadqueen III: Hunt
0040404 Dreadqueen IV: Hunt
0040405 Dreadqueen V: Hunt
0040406 Dreadqueen VI: Hunt
0040407 Dreadqueen VII: Capture
0040408 Dreadqueen VIII: Hunt
0040409 Dreadqueen IX: Hunt
0040410 Dreadqueen X: Hunt
0040411 Dreadqueen G1: Capture
0040412 Dreadqueen G2: Hunt
0040413 Dreadqueen G3: Hunt
0040414 Dreadqueen G4: Hunt
0040415 Dreadqueen G5: Hunt
0040416 Dreadqueen EX: Hunt
0040501 Drilltusk I: Hunt
0040502 Drilltusk II: Capture
0040503 Drilltusk III: Hunt
0040504 Drilltusk IV: Hunt
0040505 Drilltusk V: Hunt
0040506 Drilltusk VI: Hunt
0040507 Drilltusk VII: Capture
0040508 Drilltusk VIII: Hunt
0040509 Drilltusk IX: Hunt
0040510 Drilltusk X: Hunt
0040511 Drilltusk G1: Capture
0040512 Drilltusk G2: Hunt
0040513 Drilltusk G3: Hunt
0040514 Drilltusk G4: Hunt
0040515 Drilltusk G5: Hunt
0040516 Drilltusk EX: Hunt
0040601 Silverwind I: Hunt
0040602 Silverwind II: Capture
0040603 Silverwind III: Hunt
0040604 Silverwind IV: Hunt
0040605 Silverwind V: Hunt
0040606 Silverwind VI: Hunt
0040607 Silverwind VII: Capture
0040608 Silverwind VIII: Hunt
0040609 Silverwind IX: Hunt
0040610 Silverwind X: Hunt
0040611 Silverwind G1: Capture
0040612 Silverwind G2: Hunt
0040613 Silverwind G3: Hunt
0040614 Silverwind G4: Hunt
0040615 Silverwind G5: Hunt
0040616 Silverwind EX: Hunt
0040701 Crystalbeard I: Hunt
0040702 Crystalbeard II: Capture
0040703 Crystalbeard III: Hunt
0040704 Crystalbeard IV: Hunt
0040705 Crystalbeard V: Hunt
0040706 Crystalbeard VI: Hunt
0040707 Crystalbeard VII: Capture
0040708 Crystalbeard VIII: Hunt
0040709 Crystalbeard IX: Hunt
0040710 Crystalbeard X: Hunt
0040711 Crystalbeard G1: Capture
0040712 Crystalbeard G2: Hunt
0040713 Crystalbeard G3: Hunt
0040714 Crystalbeard G4: Hunt
0040715 Crystalbeard G5: Hunt
0040716 Crystalbeard EX: Hunt
0040801 Deadeye I: Hunt
0040802 Deadeye II: Capture
0040803 Deadeye III: Hunt
0040804 Deadeye IV: Hunt
0040805 Deadeye V: Hunt
0040806 Deadeye VI: Hunt
0040807 Deadeye VII: Capture
0040808 Deadeye VIII: Hunt
0040809 Deadeye IX: Hunt
0040810 Deadeye X: Hunt
0040811 Deadeye G1: Capture
0040812 Deadeye G2: Hunt
0040813 Deadeye G3: Hunt
0040814 Deadeye G4: Hunt
0040815 Deadeye G5: Hunt
0040816 Deadeye EX: Hunt
0040901 Dreadking I: Hunt
0040902 Dreadking II: Capture
0040903 Dreadking III: Hunt
0040904 Dreadking IV: Hunt
0040905 Dreadking V: Hunt
0040906 Dreadking VI: Hunt
0040907 Dreadking VII: Capture
0040908 Dreadking VIII: Hunt
0040909 Dreadking IX: Hunt
0040910 Dreadking X: Hunt
0040911 Dreadking G1: Capture
0040912 Dreadking G2: Hunt
0040913 Dreadking G3: Hunt
0040914 Dreadking G4: Hunt
0040915 Dreadking G5: Hunt
0040916 Dreadking EX: Hunt
0041001 Thunderlord I: Hunt
0041002 Thunderlord II: Capture
0041003 Thunderlord III: Hunt
0041004 Thunderlord IV: Hunt
0041005 Thunderlord V: Hunt
0041006 Thunderlord VI: Hunt
0041007 Thunderlord VII: Hunt
0041008 Thunderlord VIII: Capture
0041009 Thunderlord IX: Hunt
0041010 Thunderlord X: Hunt
0041011 Thunderlord G1: Capture
0041012 Thunderlord G2: Hunt
0041013 Thunderlord G3: Hunt
0041014 Thunderlord G4: Hunt
0041015 Thunderlord G5: Hunt
0041016 Thunderlord EX: Hunt
0041101 Grimclaw I: Hunt
0041102 Grimclaw II: Capture
0041103 Grimclaw III: Hunt
0041104 Grimclaw IV: Hunt
0041105 Grimclaw V: Hunt
0041106 Grimclaw VI: Hunt
0041107 Grimclaw VII: Hunt
0041108 Grimclaw VIII: Capture
0041109 Grimclaw IX: Hunt
0041110 Grimclaw X: Hunt
0041111 Grimclaw G1: Capture
0041112 Grimclaw G2: Hunt
0041113 Grimclaw G3: Hunt
0041114 Grimclaw G4: Hunt
0041115 Grimclaw G5: Hunt
0041116 Grimclaw EX: Hunt
0041201 Hellblade I: Hunt
0041202 Hellblade II: Capture
0041203 Hellblade III: Hunt
0041204 Hellblade IV: Hunt
0041205 Hellblade V: Hunt
0041206 Hellblade VI: Hunt
0041207 Hellblade VII: Hunt
0041208 Hellblade VIII: Capture
0041209 Hellblade IX: Hunt
0041210 Hellblade X: Hunt
0041211 Hellblade G1: Capture
0041212 Hellblade G2: Hunt
0041213 Hellblade G3: Hunt
0041214 Hellblade G4: Hunt
0041215 Hellblade G5: Hunt
0041216 Hellblade EX: Hunt
0041311 Nightcloak G1: Capture
0041312 Nightcloak G2: Hunt
0041313 Nightcloak G3: Hunt
0041314 Nightcloak G4: Hunt
0041315 Nightcloak G5: Hunt
0041316 Nightcloak EX: Hunt
0041411 Rustrazor G1: Capture
0041412 Rustrazor G2: Hunt
0041413 Rustrazor G3: Hunt
0041414 Rustrazor G4: Hunt
0041415 Rustrazor G5: Hunt
0041416 Rustrazor EX: Hunt
0041511 Soulseer G1: Capture
0041512 Soulseer G2: Hunt
0041513 Soulseer G3: Hunt
0041514 Soulseer G4: Hunt
0041515 Soulseer G5: Hunt
0041516 Soulseer EX: Hunt
0041611 Boltreaver G1: Capture
0041612 Boltreaver G2: Hunt
0041613 Boltreaver G3: Hunt
0041614 Boltreaver G4: Hunt
0041615 Boltreaver G5: Hunt
0041616 Boltreaver EX: Hunt
0041711 Elderfrost G1: Capture
0041712 Elderfrost G2: Hunt
0041713 Elderfrost G3: Hunt
0041714 Elderfrost G4: Hunt
0041715 Elderfrost G5: Hunt
0041716 Elderfrost EX: Hunt
0041811 Bloodbath G1: Hunt
0041812 Bloodbath G2: Capture
0041813 Bloodbath G3: Hunt
0041814 Bloodbath G4: Hunt
0041815 Bloodbath G5: Hunt
0041816 Bloodbath EX: Hunt
0090000 @
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0090004 DUMMY
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0090030 @
0090031 dummy data
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0090037 Kut-Ku: Konchu Roller Team
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0090042 dummy data
0090043 dummy data
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0090045 dummy data
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0090048 dummy data
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0090123 dummy data
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0090130 dummy data
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0090134 dummy data
0090135 dummy data
0090136 dummy data
0090137 dummy data
0090138 dummy data
0090139 dummy data
0090140 dummy data
0090141 dummy data
0090142 dummy data
0090143 dummy data
0090144 dummy data
0090145 dummy data
0090146 dummy data
0090147 dummy data
0090148 dummy data
0090149 dummy data
0090150 dummy data
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0090200 dummy data
0090201 dummy data
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0090209 dummy data
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0090212 dummy data
0090213 dummy data
0090214 dummy data
0090215 dummy data
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0090217 dummy data
0090218 dummy data
0090219 dummy data
0090220 dummy data
0090221 dummy data
0090222 dummy data
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0090224 dummy data
0090225 dummy data
0090226 dummy data
0090227 dummy data
0090228 dummy data
0090229 dummy data
0090230 dummy data
0090231 dummy data
0090232 dummy data
0090233 dummy data
0090234 dummy data
0090235 dummy data
0090236 dummy data
0090237 dummy data
0090238 dummy data
0090239 dummy data
0090240 dummy data
0090241 dummy data
0090242 dummy data
0090243 dummy data
0090244 dummy data
0090245 dummy data
0090246 dummy data
0090247 dummy data
0090248 dummy data
0090249 dummy data
0090250 dummy data
0090251 dummy data
0090252 dummy data
0090253 dummy data
0090254 dummy data
0090255 dummy data
0090256 dummy data
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0090260 dummy data
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0090263 dummy data
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0090265 dummy data
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0090272 @
0090273 Single player: Barioth Hunt
0090274 Single player: Slay Valstrax
0090275 @
0090276 Multiplayer: Barioth Hunt
0090277 Multiplayer: Slay Valstrax
0090278 @
0090279 @
0090280 Grudge Match: Barioth
0090281 @
0090282 @
0090283 Grudge Match: Barioth
0090284 dummy data
0090285 dummy data
0090286 Single player: Great Maccao Hunt
0090287 dummy data
0090288 dummy data
0090289 dummy data
0090290 dummy data
0090291 dummy data
0090292 Multiplayer: Great Maccao Hunt
0090293 dummy data
0090294 dummy data
0090295 dummy data
0090296 dummy data
0090297 dummy data
0090298 dummy data
0090299 dummy
0090300 dummy
0100201 Prowler's First Errand
0100202 Jurassic Fungologist
0100203 Lucky Frontier Cat
0100301 Verdant Hills Bully
0100302 Lucky Hills Cat
0100303 The Mining Drag
0100304 Felyne Fishing Weekly
0100305 Grooming the Moofahs
0100306 Bug Reports
0100401 Great Maccao Headbreaker
0100402 Dash It All
0100403 An Offer You Can't Refuse
0100404 The Secret Ingredient
0100405 Marshlands Fishing?
0100406 Arctic Point Expedition
0100501 Blood Red Marshlands
0100502 An Offer You Can't Relieve
0100503 Uroktor Hide 'n Seek
0100504 Into the Volcano
0100505 Kut-Ku Earbreaker
0100601 The Right Cattitude
0100602 D. Hermitaur Shellbreaker
0100603 Surrounded by Blue and Green
0100604 Poison and Fangs
0100701 Prowler's Second Errand
0100702 Conga Line
0100703 Dashing Velocidrome
0100801 Eggcellent Surprise
0100802 Cold-Blooded Giadrome
0100803 Picturesque Pinnacle
0100804 Congalala Crestbreaker
0100901 Innocent Curiosity
0100902 A Poison Paradise
0100903 Lucky Dunes Cat
0100904 Basarios Chestbreaker
0101001 Lucky Hills Cat
0101002 Ludroth Lunacy
0101003 Duramboros Humpbreaker
0101004 Snow Festival
0101005 Drome Rush!
0110101 Dance: The Final Frontier
0110102 Taste the Mountains
0110103 Lucky Mountain Cat
0110201 Running with the Night
0110202 A Cricket to Love
0110203 A Resplendent Dance
0110301 Hot Scales & Sharp Pincers
0110302 There's Always Room for Fish
0110303 Out of the Frying Pan
0110401 The Grandmeowster's Trials
0110402 We Cat All Be Heroes
0110403 Fois Gras Faux Pas
0110404 Splash in the Moonlight
0110501 Calm, Cool, and Collected
0110502 Kecha Wacha Earbreaker
0110503 Fish On!
0110504 Lucky Volcano Cat
0110505 Under the Blazing Sun
0110601 Everywhere You Look
0110602 Malfestio Headbreaker
0110603 The Snow Must Go On
0110604 Big Bro's Benevolence
0110701 The Ball's in Your Court
0110702 Uragaan Shellbreaker
0110703 Poison, Poison, Go Away
0110704 Meownster Hunter
0111101 Bnahabra in the Stomach
0111102 Lucky Steppe Cat
0111103 Desert Furrontier
0111201 Primal Furrontier
0111202 Thank-You Gift
0111203 Royal Ludroth Manebreaker
0111301 Laughter is Not the Best Antidote
0111302 Volcano Furrontier
0111303 Lucky Jungle Cat
0111304 Nerscylla Hidebreaker
0111401 Lagiacrus Headbreaker
0111402 Ninjadromes
0111403 Seltas Spat
0111404 Gravios Backbreaker
0111405 Meownster Hunter Ultimate
0120001 Grudge Match: Great Maccao
0120002 Grudge Match: Gypceros
0120003 Grudge Match: Bird Wyverns
0120004 Grudge Match: Barroth
0120005 Grudge Match: Tetsucabra
0120006 Grudge Match: Congalala
0130301 Prowler Training: The Basics
0130302 Prowler Training: Combining
0130303 Prowler Training: Gathering
0130304 Prowler Training: Fishing
0130305 Prowler Training: Transporting
0130306 Prowler Training: Capturing
0130307 Prowler Training: Slaying I
0130308 Prowler Training: Slaying II
1010001 DUMMY
1010002 DUMMY
1010003 DUMMY
1010004 A Season for Lava
1010005 DUMMY
1010006 Hunter Low-rank 2
1010007 Hunter Low-rank 3
1010101 Crows: The Black Crows
1010102 Yowamushi Pedal: Princess
1010103 Baki: Biggest vs. Strongest
1010104 CoroCoro: Rolling Bowlers
1010105 Ushio & Tora: White Mizutsune
1010106 Magi: Rescue from the Fall
1010107 The Exploding Flame King
1010108 Yu-Gi-Oh: A Beautiful Wyvern
1010109 Jump: Boiling Magma
1010110 Famitsu: Mizutsune Feature
1010111 Dengeki: Turbulent Seas
1010112 Uniqlo Shock Fest
1010113 DUMMY
1010114 DUMMY
1010115 DUMMY
1010116 DUMMY
1010117 DUMMY
1010118 Star Fox: Battle at Arctic Ridge
1010119 The Three Virtues
1010120 Metroid: Special Mission
1010121 The Steel Vanguard
1010122 The Voracious King
1010123 DMC: The Seltas Queen's Cry
1010124 Mega Man: Yellow Devil
1010125 Capcom: Brilliant Orchestra
1010126 Felyne Village: Arctic SOS
1010127 Felyne Village: The Tourney
1010128 Fan Club: Great All Stars
1010129 Fan Club: Remobra Removal
1010130 Capcom: White & Black
1010131 Capcom: The Ruler's Rage
1010132 NOT USED
1010133 Moonlit Tryst
1010134 Raging Twins
1010135 All's Hair in Glove & War
1010136 NOT USED
1010137 A Golden Moon Rises
1010138 Silver and Gold
1010139 NOT USED
1010140 Secret Nibelsnarf Hunt
1010141 The Obvious Choice...
1010142 It Would Be a Shame If...
1010143 Not Stepping One Foot...
1010144 Picturesque Encounter
1010145 Absolute Power
1010146 A Land Draped in Fantasy
1010147 The Formless One
1010148 The White God Returns
1010149 Evil Descendeth Upon Us
1010150 Where Gods Fear to Tread
1010151 Harbinger of Death
1010152 No Party Poopers!
1010153 The Five Kings of Destruction
1010154 How It's Done
1010155 Unbridled Rage
1010156 Insanity and Destruction
1010157 Volcano Item Delivery
1010158 Anything For a Buck
1010159 A Mammoth Mistake
1010160 DUMMY
1010161 The Untamed Mountains
1010162 NOT USED
1010163 The Best of the Best
1010164 The Greatest Hunter
1010165 Retreat Run-in
1010166 Overcome with Awe
1010167 The Hammer and the Pike
1010168 Jump: The Desert Crown
1010169 DUMMY
1010170 Strider: Frozen Mission
1010171 The Legend of Zelda: Power
1010172 Fire Emblem: Warding Despair
1010173 DUMMY
1010174 Okami: Most Wanted
1010175 Ghosts 'n Goblins: Seeing Red
1010176 Hunter High-rank 9
1010177 Hunter High-rank 10
1011001 Case Closed: Desert Arrest!
1011002 Kingdom: Test of the Best!
1011003 DUMMY
1011004 Shonen: Winged Nocturne
1011005 Drifters: Isle of Lost Souls
1011006 Famitsu: Kecha the Scoop!
1011007 Dengeki: Top of Old Sparky
1011008 The Legend of Zelda: Courage
1011009 DUMMY
1011010 Into the Maw of Darkness
1011011 Fan Club: Climbing The Ranks
1011013 Frozen Free-For-All
1011014 MissingNo
1011015 Nerscylla Nightmare
1011016 It'll Come Out in the Wash
1011017 "My Love is Like a Chill Wind...?"
1011018 A Solid Argument
1011019 Glimmers of False Hope
1011020 Violence in the Verdure
1011021 Paws Off My Fish!
1011022 Big, Bad 'n' Woolly
1011023 Blade Blazing Brightly Black
1011024 Forewarned is Four-Horned
1011025 Meat is Murder
1011026 The Cry of Chaos
1011027 Brutal Brachydios
1011028 Bequest Quest
1011029 Forget Valstrax, Big Sis is Scarier!
1011030 The Gloom of 1,001 Nights
1011031 A Terrible Light
1011032 Legitimate Soaratorium Quest
1011033 Lord of the Volcanic Hollow
1011034 Welcome Back To Hell
1011035 Monster on a Crusade
1011036 Ukanlos-Made Global Cooling
1011037 Lao-Shan Lung Time No See
1011038 Amatsu (strong)
1011039 Alatreon and Alack
1011040 End of a Dark History
1011041 To Slay a Legend
1011042 Defy the Prophecy
1011043 Monster Hunter Channel I
1011044 Monster Hunter Channel II
1011045 @
1011046 @
1011047 @
1011048 @
1011049 @
1011050 @
1011051 @
1011052 @
1011053 @
1020001 Event: Slay a Mizutsune
1020002 Event: Slay a Glavenus
1020003 Event: Slay a Gammoth
1020004 Event: Slay an Astalos
1020005 Event: Slay a Lagiacrus
1020006 Event: Hunt-a-thon 1
1020007 Event: Hunt-a-thon 2
1020008 Event: Hunt-a-thon 3
1020009 Event: Slay a Zinogre
1020010 Event: Slay a Gore Magala
1020011 Event: Slay a Tigrex
1020012 Event: Slay a Rathalos
1020013 Event: Slay a Nargacuga
1020014 Event: Hunt-a-thon 4
1020015 XX Trials: Dreadqueen
1020016 XX Trials: Thunderlord
1020017 XX Trials: Silverwind
1020018 XX Trials: Dreadking
1020019 XX Trials: Grimclaw
1020020 XX Trials: Gravios
1020021 XX Trials: Elderfrost
1020022 XX Trials: Hunt-a-thon I
1020023 XX Trials: Hunt-a-thon II
1020024 XX Trials: Stonefist
1020025 XX Trials: Drilltusk
1020026 XX Trials: Redhelm
1020027 XX Trials: Deadeye
1020028 XX Trials: Snowbaron
1020029 XX Trials: Hunt-a-thon III
1020030 @
1110001 CoroCoro: Lost in the Swamp
1110002 The King of Lynians!
1110003 Jump: Crimson Strongmen
1110004 Initiate: Operation Moofah
1110005 The Uniqlo Avant-garde
1110006 Felyne Fishing: Special Edition
1110007 Nakayoshi: Silver Crystal
1110008 Prowler Low-rank 2
1110009 Prowler Low-rank 3
1110101 CoroCoro: Big Bad Bugs
1110102 A Hero's Return
1110103 Mario: The White Donkey Kong?
1110104 Animal Crossing: Picnic Day
1110105 SF: Ultimate Entrance Exam
1110106 Fan Club: Arena Action
1110107 Felyne Fishing: Extra Edition
1110108 Making the Cut
1110109 Catch a Rathalos by the Tail
1110110 Springing the Trap
1110111 Too Hot to Handle
1110112 Case Closed: Monster Files
1110113 DUMMY
1110114 Prowler High-rank 3
1110115 Prowler High-rank 4
1111001 Baki: Deadly Claws
1111002 WORST: Skull Motif
1111003 CoroCoro: Fart of Darkness
1111004 Turnabout Takedown
1111005 Capcom: Prowler's Spirit
1111006 The Legend of Zelda: Wisdom
1111007 DUMMY
1111008 @
1111009 @
1111010 @
1111011 @
1111012 @
1111013 @
1111014 Prowler G-rank Quest 7
1111015 Prowler G-rank Quest 8
1120001 Event: Slay a Volvidon
1120002 Event: Slay a Royal Ludroth
1120003 Event: Slay a Lagombi
1120004 Event: Slay a Yian Kut-Ku
1120005 Event: Slay an Arzuros
1120006 Event: Hunt-a-thon 5
1120007 XX Trials: Rathalos
1120008 XX Trials: Tigrex
1120009 XX Trials: Nargacuga
1120010 XX Trials: Zinogre
1120011 XX Trials: Brachydios
1120012 XX Trials: Hunt-a-thon IV
1120013 Quest Template


Various file/ingame IDs
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