Author: Matthew Leonawicz
License: MIT
The trekcolors
package provides a collection of color palettes based
on Star Trek. It also offers functions for custom palettes and scale_*
functions for use with ggplot2
Install the CRAN release of trekcolors
Install the development version from GitHub with
# install.packages("remotes")
#> [1] "#5B1414" "#AD722C" "#1A6384"
#> [1] "#FFFF99" "#FFCC99" "#FFCC66" "#FF9933" "#664466" "#CC99CC" "#99CCFF" "#3366CC" "#006699"
lcars_pal("2357") # there are some special functions for LCARS colors
#> [1] "#FFFF99" "#FFCC99" "#FFCC66" "#FF9933" "#664466" "#CC99CC" "#99CCFF" "#3366CC" "#006699"
Preview the starfleet
and lcars_2357
view_trek_pals(c("starfleet", "lcars_2357"))
p <- ggplot(iris, aes(Sepal.Width, Sepal.Length, color = Species)) +
geom_point(size = 5, alpha = 0.75)
p + scale_color_trek() # starfleet is default palette
p <- ggplot(diamonds, aes(carat, price, color = clarity)) +
p + scale_color_lcars("2357") # equivalent to scale_color_trek("lcars_2357")
p <- ggplot(diamonds, aes(carat, stat(count), fill = cut)) +
geom_density(position = "fill")
p + scale_fill_trek("klingon")
p + scale_fill_trek("romulan")
p + scale_fill_trek("andorian")
p <- ggplot(diamonds, aes(carat, stat(count), fill = cut)) +
geom_density(position = "fill")
p + scale_fill_lcars("2357")
p + scale_fill_lcars1("atomic-tangerine", dark = TRUE)
p + scale_fill_lcars2("pale-canary", "danub")
d <- diamonds[diamonds$cut >= "Very Good", ]
p <- ggplot(d, aes(carat, stat(count), fill = cut)) +
geom_density(position = "fill")
p + scale_fill_trek("starfleet")
The four LCARS palettes that have a year in their series name are special in that these official standard LCARS colors have formal names.
# lcars_pals() # print list of all LCARS palettes
lcars_colors() # full set of unique names across the four palettes
#> pale-canary tanoi golden-tanoi neon-carrot eggplant lilac anakiwa mariner bahama-blue blue-bell
#> "#FFFF99" "#FFCC99" "#FFCC66" "#FF9933" "#664466" "#CC99CC" "#99CCFF" "#3366CC" "#006699" "#9999CC"
#> melrose hopbush chestnut-rose orange-peel atomic-tangerine danub indigo lavender-purple cosmic red-damask
#> "#9999FF" "#CC6699" "#CC6666" "#FF9966" "#FF9900" "#6688CC" "#4455BB" "#9977AA" "#774466" "#DD6644"
#> medium-carmine bourbon sandy-brown periwinkle dodger-pale dodger-soft near-blue navy-blue husk rust
#> "#AA5533" "#BB6622" "#EE9955" "#CCDDFF" "#5599FF" "#3366FF" "#0011EE" "#000088" "#BBAA55" "#BB4411"
#> tamarillo
#> "#882211"
lcars_2357() # specific color series; also 2369, 2375, 2379
#> pale-canary tanoi golden-tanoi neon-carrot eggplant lilac anakiwa mariner bahama-blue
#> "#FFFF99" "#FFCC99" "#FFCC66" "#FF9933" "#664466" "#CC99CC" "#99CCFF" "#3366CC" "#006699"
lcars_2357("lilac", "mariner") # select by name
#> lilac mariner
#> "#CC99CC" "#3366CC"
In addition to these and all the other predefined palettes, custom
palettes can be constructed using official LCARS color names. This is
like colorRampPalette
but with the ability to recognize official LCARS
color names. This functionality was leveraged by scale_color_lcars1
and scale_color_lcars2
seen above when making sequential or divergent
palettes based on specific LCARS colors for use with ggplot.
lcars_custom_pal <- lcars_colors_pal(c("pale-canary", "eggplant"))
#> [1] "#FFFF99" "#E9E491" "#D3C98A" "#BDAE83" "#A7947B" "#917974" "#7B5E6D" "#664466"
p <- ggplot(diamonds, aes(carat, stat(count), fill = cut)) +
geom_density(position = "fill")
p + scale_fill_lcars2("pale-canary", "danub")
# p + scale_fill_manual(values = lcars_custom_pal(8)) # equivalent
p + scale_fill_lcars2("pale-canary", "danub", divergent = TRUE)
p + scale_fill_lcars2("pale-canary", "danub", dark = TRUE, divergent = TRUE)
# See available palette names
#> [1] "andorian" "bajoran" "borg" "breen" "breen2" "dominion" "enara"
#> [8] "enara2" "ferengi" "gorn" "iconian" "klingon" "lcars_series" "lcars_2357"
#> [15] "lcars_2369" "lcars_2375" "lcars_2379" "lcars_alt" "lcars_first_contact" "lcars_nemesis" "lcars_nx01"
#> [22] "lcars_29c" "lcars_23c" "lcars_red_alert" "lcars_cardassian" "romulan" "romulan2" "starfleet"
#> [29] "starfleet2" "tholian" "terran" "ufp" "red_alert" "yellow_alert" "black_alert"
# view all predefined palettes
Datasets related to Star Trek, API wrappers to external data sources, and more.
Create Shiny apps based on the Library Computer Access/Retrieval System (LCARS).
Predefined and customizable Star Trek themed color palettes and related functions.
True (Trek) type fonts to style your Star Trek themed graphics text.
Matthew Leonawicz (2020). trekcolors: Star Trek Color Palettes. R package version 0.1.2.
Contributions are welcome. Contribute through GitHub via pull request. Please create an issue first if it is regarding any substantive feature add or change.
If you enjoy my open source R community contributions, please consider a donation :).
- Buy me a coffee in Ko-fi
Please note that the trekcolors
project is released with a
Contributor Code of
By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.