Sec2 is a project funded by Federal Ministry of Education and Research:
Details about the project concept can be found in our research paper:
To test the developed application, you can proceed as follows:
Please Note: you have to compile the application with Apache maven 3.2.3. Otherwise, the following exception will appear: NoClassDefFoundError:org/eclipse/aether/spi/connector/Transfer$State
More information on this problem can be found here:
First, copy the crypto-data to your lib:
$ cp sec2-card/crypto-data /var/lib/sec2/
Compile commons-codec:
$ cd commons-codec-1.5-src
$ mvn clean install
Generate new test keys using the following commands
$ cd sec2-static-testdata
$ mvn clean install
Compile application for Android (please note that you have to have Android SDK installed. We tested our application for android-16):
$ export ANDROID_HOME=[path]
$ cd sec2-basis
$ mvn install --activate-profiles Android -DskipTests=true
To install the application on your phone, use the following command:
$ adb install -r sec2-android/target/sec2-android-1.0-SNAPSHOT.apk
There are two more applications you can compile and test. You can find them under sec2-demo-apps.
Please, be careful. This is just a proof-of-concept of our research project!