To prepare the data, You need to create a directory under the path data/
, which contains train.txt
, valid.txt
, and test.txt
The functions that process datasets are located in the file data/
. After the processing, each line in the files should be a dialogue sample. Different utterances are separated with \t
and the last utterance is the response that the model needs to generate.
你好,知道北京市规划展览馆在什么地方吗? 嗯呢,地址在北京市东城区前门东大街20号(老北京火车站东侧),电话你要不? 不用了,我已经知道了,电话是010-67017074,帮我查一下这里可以玩多久好了? 大概可以我1小时 - 2小时,知道这里啥时间开放吗? 周一闭馆,周二-周日9:00-17:00,16:00停止入馆,门票贵不? 免费开放,凭有效证件领票入场。 挺好呀,该景点周边有没有其他好玩的地方啊? 好多呢,比如故宫,天安门广场,恭王府等,都是历史遗留的产物。 我想去恭王府看看,能把详细地址发给我吗? 可以,地址在北京市西城区柳荫街甲14号,电话你有没? 有的,电话是010-83288149,这里能够玩多久呀? 差不多能玩2小时 - 4小时吧,门票贵不?
All the python scripts to run is in src/
: Invoke the API of the model and generate the
: Calculate metrics according to the generated
: Include utility functions used to calculate metrics.
Before running the code, please change model
in the script according to the URL
. The results can be found in results/{{model}}/{{testset}}
The code for creating database is located in human evaluation/database.
: Create the mongodb database and collections.
You need to first modify line 4 and input your own ip address.
Then, run to initialize mongodb.
The code for generating self-chat dialogue is located in human evaluation/self-chat generation.
: Methods for manipulating
: Generate self-chat dialogue.
Run self_chat_creator to generate self-chat dialogue.
The code for deploying backend is located in human evaluation/backend.
: Methods for manipulating mongodb.chatbot_api
: Getting response from available
: Deploy the flask backend.
You should first modify line 4 in and input your own mongodb information.
Then, run to deploy the backend.
The code for deploying frontend is located in human evaluation/frontend
run npm install
to setup the project.
run npm run dev
to compile and hot-reload for development
run npm run build
to compile and minify for production
The code for creating database is located in implicit human evaluation/database.
: Create the mongodb database and collections.
You need to first modify line 4 and input your own ip address.
Then, run to initialize mongodb.
The code for deploying backend is located in implicit human evaluation/backend.
: Methods for manipulating mongodb.chatbot_api
: Getting response from available
: Deploy the flask backend.
You should first modify line 4 in and input your own mongodb information.
Then, run to deploy the backend.
The code for deploying frontend is located in implicit human evaluation/frontend
run npm install
to setup the project.
run npm run dev
to compile and hot-reload for development
run npm run build
to compile and minify for production