This is a simple online book management project built using Express and Node.js for the backend, React for the frontend, and MySQL for the database.
- CRUD operations for managing books: add, update, delete, and view.
- User-friendly interface for easy book management.
- Responsive design for desktop and mobile devices.
1.Clone the repository:
git clone
2.Navigate to the project directory:
cd simple-book-manager
3.Install dependencies:
cd backend
npm install
cd frontend
npm install
4.Set up MySQL database:
- Create a MySQL database for the project.
- Copy the .env.example file and rename it to .env.
- Open the .env file and fill in the necessary data:
Replace your_mysql_host, your_mysql_username, your_mysql_password, and your_database_name with your MySQL database connection details.
5.Import the provided SQL file (book_manager.sql) into your MySQL database to create the necessary tables and data.
6.Start the server:
npm start
7.Open your preferred web browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000 to access the Simple Book Manager.