The project involves the development of a simple real-world web based systems using the selected languages and tools namely HTML5, CSS, Java Script, PHP, MySQL, Web Server
1 - A computer-based system is required to be used in a typical university for subject
2- Users of this system are students.
3- A list of students with valid ID and password must be created by system.
4- Every student must enter valid ID and password for being entered to the system.
System then checks the validity of ID and password and then allows the authorized
user to continue.
5- Each student must be able to select minimum 2 and maximum 5 subjects, therefore,
System must show a subject list from which students can select the subjects.
6- Each subject in the subject list has attributes like subject ID, Title, batch number,
Date and time and…
7- Student then must select the subjects from a list of available subjects based on the
information provided by the system about the subject.
8- Subjects must be appeared in the subject list for each student according to his/her
year of study. For example for students in first year, only the subjects, which are
offered for the first year, must be appeared in the subject list.
9- Students must be able to change their selected objects. They must be able to delete
and add subjects.
10- Finally, students must confirm their selected subjects.
11 - Upon confirmation, system must check whether the number of selected subjects is
between 2 and 5. If not a message must be shown to student otherwise student must
double confirm his/her selection.