An awesome list of resources for professional astronomers. Everyone is invited to contribute by pull request.
- AAS Policy Blog Josh Shiode
- AstroBetter Kelle Cruz and many other contributors
- Astrobiased Eli Bressert
- AstroWright Jason Wright
- dan foreman-mackey Daniel Foreman-Mackey
- Hogg Blog David W. Hogg
- gully Michael Gully-Santiago
- Pythonic Perambulations Jacob T. VanderPlas
- SarahAskew Sarah Kendrew
- Astronomy Source Code Library - A free online registry for source codes of interest to astronomers and astrophysicists.
- Continuum Anaconda - Install, update, manage Python environments.
- AplPy - a Python module for astronomical imaging data.
- Astropy - Core package for Astronomy in Python.
- AstroML - Companion textbook Statistics, Data Mining, and Machine Learning in Astronomy.
- Emcee - Seriously kick-ass MCMC.
- GalPy - Galactic Dynamics in python.
- The LSST Stack Conda-installable codes for working with LSST simulation data and some existing data.
- NASA'S IDL Astronomy User's Library - large libary with plenty of very useful code for astronomers
- International Astronomy Meetings - List of all planned Astronomy Conferences
- AAVSO APASS Optical all sky data.
- AAVSO Data - Long time baseline data for variable stars.
- AllWISE - Wide Field Infrared Survey Explorer.
- AstroML - Tools and data sets, including SDSS, LINEAR light curves, LIGO data.
- GALEX SQL query - Galex data.
- Hipparcos - Subset of HYG.
- HYG- Database containing all stars in Hipparcos, Yale Bright Star, and Gliese catalogs (almost 120,000 stars, 14 MB).
- LINEAR - 7194 LINEAR variables with light curve classification.
- OGLE - Variable stars towards OGLE-III fields in the Magellanic Clouds and Galactic bulge
- Research-based Science Education for Undergraduates - Curated datasets on 7 projects designed for undergraduates.
- SDSS SQL query - Sloan Digital Sky Survey.
- SDSS for Teachers - Includes basic projects and advanced projects
- Supernova Cosmology Project The Union2.1 SN Ia compilation of 883 SNe from 19 datasets.
- ARCHES - XMM-Newton cross match database
- Pan-Starrs - Public data release coming soon.
- Astronomer's Facebook Group - Closed group for professional astromers, with over 8000 members.
- Astronomers on Twitter - List of Astronomers on Twitter with over 1000 followers.
- - "A nice place for astronomers, and those working in the sphere of professional astronomy"
- - A community forum for using/developing LSST software and doing science with LSST.
- Python Users in Astronomy - A closed group for python users in astronomy.
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