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A Non-Official Blockade Labs Rest Client for Unity (UPM)


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Notice of Archival: This repository has now been integrated with the Official BlockadeLabs SDK v2.0.0

All copyrights, trademarks, logos, and assets are the property of their respective owners.


Requires Unity 2021.3 LTS or higher.

The recommended installation method is though the unity package manager and OpenUPM.

Via Unity Package Manager and OpenUPM

  • Open your Unity project settings
  • Select the Package Manager scoped-registries
  • Add the OpenUPM package registry:
    • Name: OpenUPM
    • URL:
    • Scope(s):
      • com.utilities
  • Open the Unity Package Manager window
  • Change the Registry from Unity to My Registries
  • Add the BlockadeLabs package

Via Unity Package Manager and Git url


Table of Contents


There are 4 ways to provide your API keys, in order of precedence:


We recommended using the environment variables to load the API key instead of having it hard coded in your source. It is not recommended use this method in production, but only for accepting user credentials, local testing and quick start scenarios.

  1. Pass keys directly with constructor ⚠️
  2. Unity Scriptable Object ⚠️
  3. Load key from configuration file
  4. Use System Environment Variables

Pass keys directly with constructor

var api = new BlockadeLabsClient("yourApiKey");

Or create a BlockadeLabsAuthentication object manually

var api = new BlockadeLabsClient(new BlockadeLabsAuthentication("yourApiKey"));

Unity Scriptable Object

You can save the key directly into a scriptable object that is located in the Assets/Resources folder.

You can create a new one by using the context menu of the project pane and creating a new BlockadeLabsConfiguration scriptable object.

Create new BlockadeLabsConfiguration

Load key from configuration file

Attempts to load api keys from a configuration file, by default .blockadelabs in the current directory, optionally traversing up the directory tree or in the user's home directory.

To create a configuration file, create a new text file named .blockadelabs and containing the line:

Json format
  "apiKey": "yourApiKey",

You can also load the file directly with known path by calling a static method in Authentication:

var api = new BlockadeLabsClient(new BlockadeLabsAuthentication().LoadFromDirectory("your/path/to/.blockadelabs"));;

Use System Environment Variables

Use your system's environment variables specify an api key to use.

  • Use BLOCKADELABS_API_KEY for your api key.
var api = new BlockadeLabsClient(new BlockadeLabsAuthentication().LoadFromEnvironment());

Editor Dashboard

You can perform all of the same actions from the BlockadeLabs website, in the Editor using the BlockadeLabs Dashboard!



Skybox Dashboard

Generate skyboxes and remix them directly in the editor.


History Dashboard

You also have access to the full list of all your generated skyboxes, ready for downloading directly into your project.



Returns the list of predefined styles that can influence the overall aesthetic of your skybox generation.

var api = new BlockadeLabsClient();
var skyboxStyles = await api.SkyboxEndpoint.GetSkyboxStylesAsync(SkyboxModel.Model3);

foreach (var skyboxStyle in skyboxStyles)

Returns the list of predefined styles that can influence the overall aesthetic of your skybox generation, sorted by style family. This route can be used in order to build a menu of styles sorted by family.

var api = new BlockadeLabsClient();
var skyboxFamilyStyles = await BlockadeLabsClient.SkyboxEndpoint.GetSkyboxStyleFamiliesAsync(SkyboxModel.Model3);

foreach (var skyboxStyle in skyboxFamilyStyles)

Returns the list of all available export types.

var api = new BlockadeLabsClient();
var exportOptions = await api.SkyboxEndpoint.GetAllSkyboxExportOptionsAsync();

foreach (var exportOption in exportOptions)
    Debug.Log($"{exportOption.Id}: {exportOption.Name} | {exportOption.Key}");

var request = new SkyboxRequest("mars", enhancePrompt: true);
// Generates ALL export options for the skybox
var skyboxInfo = await api.SkyboxEndpoint.GenerateSkyboxAsync(request, exportOptions);
Debug.Log($"Successfully created skybox: {skyboxInfo.Id}");

Generate a skybox.

var api = new BlockadeLabsClient();
var skyboxStyles = await BlockadeLabsClient.SkyboxEndpoint.GetSkyboxStylesAsync(SkyboxModel.Model3);
var request = new SkyboxRequest(skyboxStyles.First(), "mars", enhancePrompt: true);

// You can also get progress callbacks when the generation progress has changed/updated
var progress = new Progress<SkyboxInfo>(async progress =>

var skyboxInfo = await api.SkyboxEndpoint.GenerateSkyboxAsync(request, progressCallback: progress);
Debug.Log($"Successfully created skybox: {skyboxInfo.Id}");

if (skyboxInfo.TryGetAsset<Texture2D>(SkyboxExportOption.Equirectangular_PNG, out var texture))
    skyboxMaterial.mainTexture = texture;

Returns the skybox metadata for the given skybox id.

var skyboxId = 42;
var api = new BlockadeLabsClient();
var skyboxInfo = await api.SkyboxEndpoint.GetSkyboxInfoAsync(skyboxId);
Debug.Log($"Skybox: {result.Id}");
// Note: If you wish to use the returned skybox info textures you'll need to additionally call await SkyboxInfo.LoadAssetsAsync(); before you can assign them to a material property.
await skyboxInfo.LoadAssetsAsync();

if (skyboxInfo.TryGetAsset<Texture2D>(SkyboxExportOption.Equirectangular_PNG, out var texture))
    skyboxMaterial.mainTexture = texture;

Exports the skybox with the requested export type.


You can also specify the export types when initially generating a skybox.

var skyboxId = 42;
var api = new BlockadeLabsClient();
var skyboxInfo = await api.SkyboxEndpoint.GetSkyboxInfoAsync(skyboxId);
skyboxInfo = await api.SkyboxEndpoint.ExportSkyboxAsync(skyboxInfo, DefaultExportOptions.DepthMap_PNG);
await skyboxInfo.LoadAssetsAsync();

if (skyboxInfo.TryGetAsset<Texture2D>(SkyboxExportOption.DepthMap_PNG, out var texture))
    skyboxMaterial.depthTexture = texture;

Deletes a skybox by id.

var skyboxId = 42;
var result = await api.SkyboxEndpoint.DeleteSkyboxAsync(skybox);
// result == true

Gets the previously generated skyboxes.

var history = await api.SkyboxEndpoint.GetSkyboxHistoryAsync();
Debug.Log($"Found {history.TotalCount} skyboxes");

foreach (var skybox in history.Skyboxes)
    Debug.Log($"{skybox.Id} {skybox.Title} status: {skybox.Status}");

Cancels a pending skybox generation request by id.

var skyboxId = 42;
var result = await CancelSkyboxGenerationAsync(skyboxId);
// result == true


This is automatically done when cancelling a skybox generation using cancellation token.

Cancels ALL pending skybox generation requests.

var result = await api.SkyboxEndpoint.CancelAllPendingSkyboxGenerationsAsync();
Debug.Log(result ? "All pending generations successfully cancelled" : "No pending generations");