AdaFruit NeoPixel controller for Raspberry Pi with MQTT
- A Raspberry Pi (Any model with internet connectivity)
- The rpi_ws281x library by Jeremy Garff
- NeoPixel compatible LEDs
- An MQTT Broker (I would suggest Mosquitto)
- Download and install the rpi_ws281x library
- Download Tingo
- Clone this repo:
git clone
- or dowload the source code of the latest release (.ZIP) or (.TAR.GZ).
- Clone this repo:
cd tingo/
Enter the details of your MQTT broker.
- IP Address/Hostname
- Port
- Username
- Password
Enter the details of the client
- Client ID
- Device type (ws281x)
- GPIO pin to contol
- Create a global symlink of the bash script.
cd tingo/
sudo ln tingo /usr/bin/tingo
tingo {start|stop|restart|update}
tingo start
- Start Tingo. (or create a new instance of Tingo - Not recommended)
tingo stop
- Stop all running instances of Tingo.
tingo restart
- Restart Tingo all stop all extra running instances.
tingo update
- Get updates from GitHub and restart Tingo.