A Whack A Mole Project in Playmaker and Unity
This project is based on the "Whack-A-Mole" project by Firmox.
It represents a fork. The project was newly implemented with Playmaker. The graphics are based on the original project by Firmox.
- First, Playmaker must be installed. The project was created with Unity 3D version 2021.3.4f1 and Playmaker 1.9.6. No additional Playmaker actions from the Ecostore are needed.
- TextMesh Pro is required.
- A global variable is required. This can be imported using the enclosed file "PlayMakerGlobals" via Playmaker / Tools / Import Globals or a new global Variable can be created with the name GAME-MANAGER (GameObject)
- The Unity package “Whack-A-Mole-Playmaker” can then be imported in the project.