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Auto merge of #109999 - m-ou-se:flatten-format-args, r=oli-obk
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Enable flatten-format-args by default.

Part of rust-lang/rust#99012.

This enables the `flatten-format-args` feature that was added by rust-lang/rust#106824:

> This change inlines string literals, integer literals and nested format_args!() into format_args!() during ast lowering, making all of the following pairs result in equivalent hir:
> ```rust
> println!("Hello, {}!", "World");
> println!("Hello, World!");
> ```
> ```rust
> println!("[info] {}", format_args!("error"));
> println!("[info] error");
> ```
> ```rust
> println!("[{}] {}", status, format_args!("error: {}", msg));
> println!("[{}] error: {}", status, msg);
> ```
> ```rust
> println!("{} + {} = {}", 1, 2, 1 + 2);
> println!("1 + 2 = {}", 1 + 2);
> ```
> And so on.
> This is useful for macros. E.g. a `log::info!()` macro could just pass the tokens from the user directly into a `format_args!()` that gets efficiently flattened/inlined into a `format_args!("info: {}")`.
> It also means that `dbg!(x)` will have its file, line, and expression name inlined:
> ```rust
> eprintln!("[{}:{}] {} = {:#?}", file!(), line!(), stringify!(x), x); // before
> eprintln!("[] x = {:#?}", x); // after
> ```
> Which can be nice in some cases, but also means a lot more unique static strings than before if dbg!() is used a lot.

This is mostly an optimization, except that it will be visible through [`fmt::Arguments::as_str()`](

In rust-lang/rust#106823, there was already a libs-api FCP about the documentation of `fmt::Arguments::as_str()` to allow it to give `Some` rather than `None` depending on optimizations like this. That was just a documentation update though. This PR is the one that actually makes the user visible change:

assert_eq!(format_args!("abc").as_str(), Some("abc")); // Unchanged.
assert_eq!(format_args!("ab{}", "c").as_str(), Some("abc")); // Was `None` before!
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bors committed Apr 20, 2023
2 parents 0628956 + acb61f9 commit 26dd119
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