Things to possibly add or enhance later.
- Day 11 Blackjack - Add money?
- Day 14 Higher/Lower add web scraping?
- Day 17 Quiz Game - Add mechanism to add questions
- Day 18 Hirst Painting - Add input sample image, Prompt for rows/columns, maybe shape?
- Day 22 Pong - Improve controls maybe
- Day 23 Turtle Crossing - Make traffic more dynamically full
- Day 46 Amazon Price Tracker, set up somewhere
- Day 47 Scrap events and insert them into a calendar
- Day 55 Post Higher Lower Game Online
Turn into stand alone executables of some kind or embed in web.
- Tip Calculator
- Treasure Island
- Rock Paper Scissors
- Blackjack
- Higher Lower Game
- Quiz Game (Make sure you can add your own questions somehow)
- Hirst Painting
- Turtle Racing
- Snake Game
- Pong
- Turtle Crossing
- US States Game
- Miles to KM
- Pomodoro Timer