Code from the Udemy course "100 Days of Code: the Complete Python Bootcamp"
Not necessarily completed in 100 days or actually done daily.
- Day 001 - Band Name Generator
- Day 002 - Tip Calculator
- Day 003 - Treasure Island
- Day 004 - Rock Paper Scissors
- Day 005 - Password Generator
- Day 006 - Escaping the Maze
- Day 007 - Hangman
- Day 008 - Caesar Cypher
- Day 009 - Secret Auction
- Day 010 - Calculator
- Day 011 - Blackjack Game Capstone Project
- Day 012 - Number Guesser Game
- Day 013 - Debugging Practice
- Day 014 - Higher Lower Game
--- End of Beginner Section --- - Day 015 - Coffee Machine Project
- Day 016 - Object Oriented Programming Coffee Machine
- Day 017 - Quiz Game Project
- Day 018 - Hirst Painting Project (Turtle Graphics Practice)
- Day 019 - Turtle Racing Game & Etch A Sketch
- Day 020 - Snake Game Part 1
- Day 021 - Snake Game Part 2 (Nokia Snake)
- Day 022 - Pong Game
- Day 023 - Turtle Crossing Game Capstone Project (Crossey Road-ish)
- Day 024 - Improved Snake Game and Mail Merge Challenge
- Day 025 - United States Game
- Day 026 - NATO Phonetic Alphabet Project
- Day 027 - Mile to Kilometer Converter and Tkinter
- Day 028 - Pomodoro Timer
- Day 029 - Password Manager Part 1
- Day 030 - Password Manager Part 2
- Day 031 - Flashcard App (Norwegian with French Option)
- --- End of Intermediate Section ---
- Day 032 - Automatic eMail Birthday Wisher Project
- Day 033 - Using APIs
- Day 034 - Create GUI Quiz App (API Practice)
- Day 035 - API Authentication
- Day 036 - Stock Trading News Alert Project
- Day 037 - Habit Tracking Project
- Day 038 - Workout Tracking with Google Sheets
Day 039 - Flight Deal Finder Capstone Project Part 1Day 040 - Flight Deal Finder Capstone Project Part 2- I opted to skip Day 39 and Day 40. I don't fly and I'm not putting bank details into the API Website.
- Day 041 - Web Foundation Part 1 - HTML
- Day 042 - Web Foundation Part 2 - More HTML
- Day 043 - Web Foundation Part 3 - CSS
- Day 044 - Web Foundation Part 4 - More CSS
- Day 045 - Web Scraping with Beautiful Soup
- Day 046 - Spotify Musical Time Machine Playlist Maker
- Day 047 - Create an Amazon Price Tracker
- Day 048 - Selenium Web Browser Bot
- Day 049 - Automating Job Applications on LinkedIn
Day 050 - Auto Tinder Swiping Bot- Day 051 - Internet Speed Twitter Complaint Bot
- Day 052 - Instagram Follower Bot
- Day 053 - Data Entry Job Automation Capstone Project
- Day 054 - Web Development with Flask
- Day 055 - Higher Lower Game Returns for Revenge
- Day 056 - Rendering Static Web Files with Templates
- Day 057 - Blog Capstone Project Part 1
- Day 058 - Web foundation Part 5 - Bootstrap
--- End of Intermediate+ Section --- - Day 059 - Blog Capstone Project Part 2
- Day 060 - Blog Capstone Project Part 2 Continued
- Day 061 - Advanced Forms with Flask
- Day 062 - Coffee and WiFi Project
- Day 063 - Databases and SQL
- Day 064 - Top Ten Movies Website
- Day 065 - Web Design Dos and Don'ts (No Project This Day)
- Day 066 - Build and API with REST
- Day 067 - Blog Capstone Project Part 3
- Day 068 - Authentication with Flask
- Day 069 - Blog Capstone Project Part 4 - Add Users
- Day 070 - Web Apps and Heroku
- Day 071 - Pandas Project (Data Analytics)
- Day 072 - Metaplotlib Project (Data Analytics)
- Day 073 - More Pandas (Data Analytics)
- Day 074 - Google Trends Data (Data Analytics)
- Day 075 - Plotly Charts (Data Analytics)
- Day 076 - Numpy and Arrays (Data Analytics)
- Day 077 - Data Visualization with Seaborn (Data Analytics)
- Day 078 - Plotly, Metaplotlib, Seaborn Powers Combined!
- Day 079 - t-tests (Data Analytics)
- Day 080 - Predict House Prices Capstone Project (Data Analytics) --- End of Advanced Section ---
- Day 081 - Professional Portfolio Project - Morse Code Translator
- Day 082 - Professional Portfolio Project - Portfolio Website
- Day 083 - Professional Portfolio Project - Tic Tac Toe
- Day 084 - Professional Portfolio Project - Image Watermarking Desktop App
- Day 085 - Professional Portfolio Project - Typing Speed Test
- Day 086 - Professional Portfolio Project - Breakout
- Day 087 - Professional Portfolio Project - Cafe and WiFi Website
- Day 088 - Professional Portfolio Project - ToDo List
- Day 089 - Professional Portfolio Project - Disappearing Text App
- Day 090 - Professional Portfolio Project - Convert PDF to Audiobook
- Day 091 - Professional Portfolio Project - Image Color Pallet Generator
- Day 092 - Professional Portfolio Project - Custom Web Scraper
- Day 093 - Professional Portfolio Project - Automate the Google Dinosaur Game
- Day 094 - Professional Portfolio Project - Space Invaders
- Day 095 - Professional Portfolio Project - A Custom API Based Website
- Day 096 - Professional Portfolio Project - An Online Shop
- Day 097 - Professional Portfolio Project - Custom Automation
- Day 098 - Professional Portfolio Project - Analyse and Visualise the Space Race
- Day 099 - Professional Portfolio Project - Analyse Deaths Involving The Police in the US
- Day 100 - Professional Portfolio Project - Predict Earnings with Multivariable Regression