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Multi-Tenancy Project Example

This repository provides a simple example of using the Multi Tenancy Bundle for Symfony applications. The bundle facilitates adding multi-tenancy support to your Symfony project.


  • Switch DB on Runtime: Easily switch to any tenant database, managing tenant entities, migrations, and fixtures independently from the main database.
  • Auto Create Bulk DBs with Cron: Automatically build new tenant databases on any host and prepare them for use.
  • Extended Doctrine Commands: Manage tenant databases with extended Doctrine commands, similar to single database applications.
  • Docker-Based: Use simple Docker commands to run and restart the system, ensuring a complete setup for both main and tenant databases.
  • Make Commands for Docker: Easily run commands inside Docker containers for tenant migration or creation.
  • UI Example for Tenant Management: Manage tenant entities via UI, adding data to any tenant database and creating new tenant databases with the UI.

How to Use This Example

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd multi-tenancy-project-example
  2. Install Docker and Docker Compose:

  3. Run the project:

    make system-start
  4. In 2-5 minutes, the system starts and a cron job creates the tenant databases:

    • The system will pull the images and start the containers.
    • The system will create the main database.
    • The system will run migrations for the main database.
    • The system will run fixtures for the main database.
    • The system will create the tenant hosts.
    • The system will create tenant databases with tenant user credentials.
    • The system will run migrations for the tenant databases.
  5. The project will be running with the following services:

    • Main Database: postgresql://admin:admin123@localhost:5432/multi_tenancy
    • List of Tenants:
      • Tenant Host 1: postgresql://test-tenant1:test-tenant1@localhost:4444
      • Tenant Host 2: postgresql://test-tenant2:test-tenant2@localhost:5555
      • Tenant Host 3: postgresql://test-tenant3:test-tenant3@localhost:6666
      • Tenant Host 4: postgresql://test-tenant4:test-tenant4@localhost:7777
      • Tenant Host 5: postgresql://test-tenant5:test-tenant5@localhost:8888
    • Each Tenant Host has 10 tenant databases, allowing easy switching between them.
    • Each Tenant Database is associated with a tenant user, enabling management of tenant databases with tenant user credentials.
    • A default cron job checks for new tenant databases and creates them automatically.
  6. Make Commands:

    • System Commands:

      • Start System: make system-start - Initializes all containers and volumes.
      • Stop System: make system-stop - Stops all containers.
      • Restart System: make system-restart - Removes all containers and volumes and starts the system again.
    • Main Database Commands:

      • Create Main DB: make main-create
      • Run Main Migrations: make main-migrate
      • Run Main Diff: make main-diff
      • Run Main Fixtures: make main-fixtures
    • Tenant Database Commands:

      • Create Tenant Host: make create-tenant-host
        • Example: make create-tenant-host db-port=5050 db-user=tenant-example db-password=tenant-example
      • Remove Tenant Host: make remove-tenant-host
        • Example: make remove-tenant-host db-port=5050
      • Create Tenant DB: make tenant-create
      • Tenant DB Diff: make tenant-diff
      • Tenant Migrations Init: make tenant-migrate-init - Executes the migration init command inside the tenant container.
      • Tenant Migrations Update: make tenant-migrate - Executes the migration update command inside the tenant container.
  7. Open the project in your browser: http://localhost:80

    • You will see the main page with a list of features. Screenshot 2024-08-03 at 21 35 36

    • You can manage tenant entities and create new tenant databases. Screenshot 2024-08-03 at 19 42 03

    • You can add a Store Category to any tenant database and verify that the data is saved in the tenant database. Screenshot 2024-08-03 at 21 33 17

Notes and Considerations

  1. The project utilizes the Multi Tenancy Bundle, which provides an easy way to add multi-tenancy support to Symfony applications.
  2. Docker and Docker Compose are used to run the system and manage containers.
  3. A cron job is set up to automatically create new tenant databases.
  4. Make commands are employed to run the system and manage both the main and tenant databases.
  5. A simple UI is provided to manage tenant entities and create new tenant databases.
  6. An example Store Category entity is included to demonstrate the multi-tenancy support.
  7. All tenant databases share the same dbusername and dbpassword from the selected tenant host.
  8. All tenant databases use the pdo_pgsql driver.
  9. Different drivers can be used for the main and tenant databases, but the same driver must be used for all tenant databases.


Contributions are welcome! If you have any suggestions, improvements, or bug fixes, please feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue.


Created by Ramy Hakam. You can connect with me on LinkedIn.