Panyl-cli is a library to create command-line applications using the Panyl library.
It allows creating a customized command for the log types you use in your services, which is the recommended way of using Panyl.
A sample cli is provided that can be used as a starting point or proof of concept.
go install
panyl-cli log [parameters] { <filename> | - | -- <shell command> }
panyl-cli preset <preset-name> [parameters] { <filename> | - | -- <shell command> }
Using "-" for the filename uses stdin.
Using "--" for the filename executes the command after "--" and pipes its stdout/stderr.
go get
Each plugin option becomes a command line option in the format --enable-<pluginname>=<true|false>
package main
import (
panylcli ""
func main() {
cmd := panylcli.New(
panylcli.WithDeclareGlobalFlags(func(flags *pflag.FlagSet) {
flags.StringP("application", "a", "", "set application name")
flags.IntP("start-line", "s", 0, "start line (0 = first line, 1 = second line)")
flags.IntP("line-amount", "m", 0, "amount of lines to process (0 = all)")
Name: "ansiescape",
Enabled: true,
Preset: true,
PresetEnabled: true,
Name: "json",
Enabled: true,
Name: "consolidate-lines",
Enabled: false,
panylcli.WithProcessorProvider(func(preset string, pluginsEnabled []string, flags *pflag.FlagSet) (*panyl.Processor, []panyl.JobOption, error) {
parseflags := struct {
Application string `flag:"application"`
StartLine int `flag:"start-line"`
LineAmount int `flag:"line-amount"`
err := panylcli.ParseFlags(flags, &parseflags)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
ret := panyl.NewProcessor()
if preset != "" {
if preset == "default" {
pluginsEnabled = append(pluginsEnabled, "json")
} else {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown preset '%s'", preset)
if parseflags.Application != "" {
ret.RegisterPlugin(&metadata.ForceApplication{Application: parseflags.Application})
for _, plugin := range panylcli.PluginsEnabledUnique(pluginsEnabled) {
switch plugin {
case "ansiescape":
case "json":
case "consolidate-lines":
return ret, []panyl.JobOption{panyl.WithLineLimit(parseflags.StartLine, parseflags.LineAmount)}, nil
panylcli.WithOutputProvider(func(flags *pflag.FlagSet) (panyl.Output, error) {
return panylcli.NewOutput(), nil
exitCode, err := cmd.Execute()
if err != nil {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err.Error())
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