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Stein-Kato authored Jan 8, 2025
1 parent 788c680 commit b68e98a
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Showing 8 changed files with 415 additions and 386 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Imports:
License: GPL-3
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
Expand Down
273 changes: 6 additions & 267 deletions R/app_server.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,9 +9,6 @@

app_server <- function(input, output, session) {

# Last inn data
regData <- getFakeRegData()

# Brukerinformasjon i menylinja (navbar)
output$appUserName <- shiny::renderText(
Expand All @@ -20,275 +17,17 @@ app_server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$appOrgName <- shiny::renderText(rapbase::getUserReshId(session))
userInfo <-
rapbase::howWeDealWithPersonalData(session, callerPkg = "rapRegTemplate")

shiny::observeEvent(input$userInfo, {
shinyalert::shinyalert("Dette vet Rapporteket om deg:", userInfo,
type = "", imageUrl = "rap/logo.svg",
closeOnEsc = TRUE, closeOnClickOutside = TRUE,
html = TRUE, confirmButtonText = rapbase::noOptOutOk())

# Veiledning
output$veiledning <- shiny::renderUI({
system.file("veiledning.Rmd", package = "rapRegTemplate"),
outputType = "html_fragment"

# Figur og tabell
# Figur
output$distPlot <- shiny::renderPlot({
makeHist(df = regData, var = input$var, bins = input$bins)

# Tabell
output$distTable <- shiny::renderTable({
makeHist(df = regData, var = input$var, bins = input$bins,
makeTable = TRUE)

# Samlerapport
## vis
output$samlerapport <- shiny::renderUI({
system.file("samlerapport.Rmd", package = "rapRegTemplate"),
outputType = "html_fragment",
params = list(type = "html",
var = input$varS,
bins = input$binsS)

## last ned
output$downloadSamlerapport <- shiny::downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
basename(tempfile(pattern = "rapRegTemplateSamlerapport",
fileext = paste0(".", input$formatS)))
content = function(file) {
srcFile <-
normalizePath(system.file("samlerapport.Rmd", package = "rapRegTemplate"))
fn <- rapbase::renderRmd(srcFile, outputType = input$formatS,
params = list(type = input$formatS,
var = input$varS,
bins = input$binsS))
file.rename(fn, file)

# Abonnement
## rekative verdier for aa holde rede paa endringer som skjer mens
## applikasjonen kjorer
subscription <- shiny::reactiveValues(
tab = rapbase::makeAutoReportTab(session, type = "subscription")

## lag tabell over gjeldende status for abonnement
output$activeSubscriptions <- DT::renderDataTable(
subscription$tab, server = FALSE, escape = FALSE, selection = "none",
options = list(dom = "tp", ordning = FALSE,
columnDefs = list(list(visible = FALSE, targets = 6))),
rownames = FALSE

## lag side som viser status for abonnement, ogsaa naar det ikke finnes noen
output$subscriptionContent <- shiny::renderUI({
userFullName <- rapbase::getUserFullName(session)
if (length(subscription$tab) == 0) {
shiny::p(paste("Ingen aktive abonnement for", userFullName))
} else {
shiny::p(paste0("Aktive abonnement som sendes per epost til ",
userFullName, ":")),

## nye abonnement
## Objects currently shared among subscription and dispathcment
orgs <- list(Sykehus1 = 1234,
Sykehus2 = 4321)
reports <- list(
Samlerapport1 = list(
synopsis = "Automatisk samlerapport1",
fun = "samlerapport1Fun",
paramNames = c("p1", "p2"),
paramValues = c("Alder", 1)
Samlerapport2 = list(
synopsis = "Automatisk samlerapport2",
fun = "samlerapport2Fun",
paramNames = c("p1", "p2"),
paramValues = c("BMI", 1)

## Subscription
id = "testSubscription", registryName = "rapRegTemplate",
type = "subscription", reports = reports, orgs = orgs, freq = "quarter"

# Utsending
## reaktive verdier for aa holde rede paa endringer som skjer mens
## applikasjonen kjorer
dispatchment <- shiny::reactiveValues(
tab = rapbase::makeAutoReportTab(session = session, type = "dispatchment"),
report = "Automatisk samlerapport1",
freq = "M\u00E5nedlig-month",
email = vector()

## observer og foreta endringer mens applikasjonen kjorer
shiny::observeEvent(input$addEmail, {
dispatchment$email <- c(dispatchment$email, input$email)
shiny::observeEvent(input$delEmail, {
dispatchment$email <-
dispatchment$email[!dispatchment$email == input$email]
shiny::observeEvent(input$dispatch, {
package <- "rapRegTemplate"
type <- "dispatchment"
owner <- rapbase::getUserName(session)
ownerName <- rapbase::getUserFullName(session)
interval <- strsplit(input$dispatchmentFreq, "-")[[1]][2]
intervalName <- strsplit(input$dispatchmentFreq, "-")[[1]][1]
runDayOfYear <- rapbase::makeRunDayOfYearSequence(
interval = interval

email <- dispatchment$email
organization <- rapbase::getUserReshId(session)

if (input$dispatchmentRep == "Automatisk samlerapport1") {
synopsis <- "Automatisk samlerapport1"
fun <- "samlerapport1Fun"
paramNames <- c("p1", "p2")
paramValues <- c("Alder", 1)

if (input$dispatchmentRep == "Automatisk samlerapport2") {
synopsis <- "Automatisk samlerapport2"
fun <- "samlerapport2Fun"
paramNames <- c("p1", "p2")
paramValues <- c("BMI", 2)
rapbase::createAutoReport(synopsis = synopsis, package = package,
type = type, fun = fun, paramNames = paramNames,
paramValues = paramValues, owner = owner,
ownerName = ownerName,
email = email, organization = organization,
runDayOfYear = runDayOfYear,
interval = interval, intervalName = intervalName)
dispatchment$tab <-
rapbase::makeAutoReportTab(session, type = "dispatchment")
dispatchment$email <- vector()

## ui: velg rapport
output$report <- shiny::renderUI({
"dispatchmentRep", "Rapport:",
c("Automatisk samlerapport1", "Automatisk samlerapport2"),
selected = dispatchment$report

## ui: velg frekvens
output$freq <- shiny::renderUI({
"dispatchmentFreq", "Frekvens:",
list("\u00C5rlig" = "\u00C5rlig-year",
Kvartalsvis = "Kvartalsvis-quarter",
Maanedlig = "M\u00E5nedlig-month",
Ukentlig = "Ukentlig-week",
Daglig = "Daglig-DSTday"),
selected = dispatchment$freq

## ui: legg til gyldig- og slett epost
output$editEmail <- shiny::renderUI({
if (!grepl("^[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Za-z]{2,}$",
input$email)) {
shiny::tags$p("Angi mottaker over")
} else {
if (input$email %in% dispatchment$email) {
shiny::actionButton("delEmail", "Slett epostmottaker",
icon = shiny::icon("trash"))
} else {
shiny::actionButton("addEmail", "Legg til epostmottaker",
icon = shiny::icon("pencil"))

## ui: vis valgte mottakere
output$recipients <- shiny::renderText(paste(dispatchment$email,
sep = "<br>"))

## ui: lag ny utsending
output$makeDispatchment <- shiny::renderUI({
if (length(dispatchment$email) == 0) {
} else {
shiny::actionButton("dispatch", "Lag utsending",
icon = shiny::icon("save"))

## lag tabell over gjeldende status for utsending
output$activeDispatchments <- DT::renderDataTable(
dispatchment$tab, server = FALSE, escape = FALSE, selection = "none",
options = list(dom = "tp", ordering = FALSE), rownames = FALSE

## ui: lag side som viser status for utsending, ogsaa naar det ikke finnes noen
output$dispatchmentContent <- shiny::renderUI({
if (length(dispatchment$tab) == 0) {
shiny::p("Det finnes ingen utendinger")
} else {
shiny::p("Aktive utsendinger:"),

# Rediger eksisterende auto rapport (alle typer)
shiny::observeEvent(input$edit_button, {
repId <- strsplit(input$edit_button, "_")[[1]][2]
rep <- rapbase::readAutoReportData()[[repId]]
if (rep$type == "subscription") {

if (rep$type == "dispatchment") {
dispatchment$freq <- paste0(rep$intervalName, "-", rep$interval)
dispatchment$email <- rep$email
dispatchment$tab <-
rapbase::makeAutoReportTab(session, type = "dispatchment")
dispatchment$report <- rep$synopsis
if (rep$type == "bulletin") {


# Slett eksisterende auto rapport (alle typer)
shiny::observeEvent(input$del_button, {
repId <- strsplit(input$del_button, "_")[[1]][2]
subscription$tab <-
rapbase::makeAutoReportTab(session, type = "subscription")
dispatchment$tab <-
rapbase::makeAutoReportTab(session, type = "dispatchment")


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