This project eases the process of setting up a hardhat localfork with Rari Capital's products.
You first run
npm install
The next step is compilation but one contract needs to be modified before because of incompatible solidity compilator versions
Go to
in Line 2 you'll find:
pragma solidity >=0.7.0;
change it to:
pragma solidity 0.6.12;
please let me know if theres a better way to do this I couldn't find it :)
npx hardhat compile
Start hardhat node
npx hardhat node
This will start a mainnet fork pinned at block: 14167154
Open a second terminal and run:
npx hardhat deploy-fuse --network localhost
This will deploy a clean instance of fuse in your localnode.
Deploy an empty pool
npx hardhat deploy-pool --network localhost
Deploy a cToken/market
npx hardhat deploy-market --comptroller 0x00...0000 --underlying 0x00...0000 --cfactor 5 --rfactor 0.5 --adminfee 0.05 --network localhost
Deploy a rewards distributor to a given pool
npx hardhat deploy-rd-to-pool --underlying 0x00...0000 --comptroller 0x00...0000 --network localhost
Deploy Uniswap V2 Twap Oracle
npx hardhat deploy-unitwap-v2
Market Interaction
npx hardhat supply --underlying 0x00...0000 --market 0x00...0000 --comptroller 0x00...0000 --amount 1000 --collateralize true --user 0x00...0000
npx hardhat borrow --market 0x00...0000 --amount 1000 --token 0x00..0000
npx hardhat repay --market 0x00...0000 --amount 1000 --token 0x00..0000