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  1. visual studio19 open then open project on Pharmacy management System open folder ->source code->medisoft
  2. open microsoft SQL server software then import database file.

database connection 3. connect visual studio to SQL server.server explorer click to add SQL connect. and function.cs file change data path location.

1. Introduction:

1.1 Purpose of the project:

Pharmacy management system is a management system that is designed to improve accuracy and to enhance safety and efficiency in the pharmaceutical store. It is a computer based system which helps the Pharmacist to improve inventory management, cost, medical safety etc.

1.2 Summary of the problem:

At present, a manual system is being utilized in the pharmacy. It requires the pharmacist to manually monitor each drug that is available in the pharmacy. This usually leads to mistakes as the workload of the pharmacist increases.

1.3 Summary of the solution:

The system allows the user to enter a manufacturing and expiry date for a particular product or drug during opening stock and sales transaction. The system will also give a report showing the list of products expiring after a specified date before the product eventually expires. It also involves manual entry upon arrival of new batches of drugs and upon drug movement out of the pharmacy for a certain period, e.g. every month, the pharmacist may want to generate report for the movement of drugs in and out of the pharmacy, getting information about the drugs e.g. expiry date, date purchased, number of drug type left, location of a drug in the pharmacy. 1

2. Motivation:

2.1 History behind the development:

Due to the size and quality service of the pharmacy, the pharmacy has a very large customer base. These customers tend to visit the pharmacy for services mostly when they close from work. At this period, the number of customers that patronize the pharmacy is on the increase, thereby making the workload of the pharmacists much more tedious. This case makes it difficult for the pharmacist to attend to customers in a short period. Meanwhile the pharmacist has to ensure satisfaction in services to keep their customers. The factors mentioned above result in delay of the services being rendered to the customers, thereby slowing down sales and risk losing valuable customers in the long run.That’s why we decided to do this project.

2.2 Importance of the project:

Pharmacy management has kept paper records in filing cabinets. Managing a very large pharmacy with records on papers will be tedious and difficult to keep track of inventories with regards to the drugs in the store, expiry date, quantity of drugs available based on the categories and their functions. This project work will prompt the pharmacist about drugs that are close to expiry, preventing those drugs from being sold and also providing solutions to the earlier stated problems.

2.3 Reason for the problem occur:

The pharmacist has to order drugs to replenish the already diminishing stock. In addition, ordering of drugs is being carried out manually. Significant amount of time is allocated for writing the order as the pharmacist needs to go through the stock balance and make a rough estimate of the amount to order based on Figures.Drugs are not supposed to be used after they have expired. These are the reasons why the manual system of pharmacy management causes many problems.

2.4 Solution that currently exist:

There is a lot more existing software to this related problem which involves essential management and these days they are helping a pharmacist to manage things easily. These software’s are very much effective which help to save time the most. 2

2.5 Reason for the success of our solution:

As there is a lot more solution to this problem why would we choose this one and this is a good question. We are trying to develop a user-friendly system and trying to add some new features and more suitable software for the pharmacists and consumers so that they do not have to panic or have to face any problem even after a lot of entries. Some of the existing software has this kind of problem. We are focusing on the users the most and give them a better service, better user interface ,and advanced security. Our only aim is to give a better service to our users where they can use it frequently without any kind of hesitation. This one is going to be a user-friendly management system.As we have already mentioned about why we need it, it is for the betterment of business and saving time.

2.6 Improvement of the current solutions:

Web Base System Limited Access to Customers Order detail information Cash Balance Information More details of users and suppliers Barcode reader Cheques and Credit card.

2.7 Achiveness:

The aim of this project is to develop a software for the effective management of a pharmaceutical store that will be able to achieve the following objectives: ● Ensuring effective policing by providing statistics of the drugs in stock. ● Maintaining the correct database by providing an option to update the drugs in stock. ● Improving the efficiency of the system by ensuring effective monitoring of services and activities. ● To provide optimal drug inventory management by monitoring the drug movement in the pharmacy. ● To ensure that there exists a level of restricted access based on functionality and role. ● To ensure that the system is user friendly. ● To be able to generate reports within a specified period of time. 3

3. Project Details

3.1 Environment:

Project environment represents a connection, where the project is processed. It impacts the project and is, therefore, conditioned. Such an interaction is provided by numerous factors as operational, physical, ecological, social, cultural, economic, psychological, financial, organizational etc.

3.1.1 Languages, Software and Hardware:

We will be using through visual studio in programming language C# (C sharp). We will also need MySQL as the required database and object-oriented concept will be followed. 4

3.1.2 Flowchart:

Fig1:Flow Chart 5

3.1.3 Used software and hardware:

Hardware: • Computer with Intel Core i3 4th Gen • Ram 4GB DDR4 • HDD 100 GB · • Printer Software · Operating System : Windows XP/7/10 operating system. · Microsoft visual c++ redistributable Package · Visual Studio · C# Language · Mysql 8.0 · Net Framework 4.7.2

3.2 Issues and challenges for implementation :

3.2.1 Problem occur in the process:

we face many problem by implementation this code

3.2.2 Use of existent tools and systems:

We used MySql,Net Framework 4.7.2 for making database, visual studio for C# I also used Windows 10 for this project. 6

3.2.3 Special about project

Pharmacy Shop Management System Project is computer-based software developed for managing, monitoring and recording various activities of medical stores. It plays a key role in improving the productivity of medical stores through automated functions. It is time friendly and easy to use. We can also print the data as a document.It also helps to overcome the manual pharmacy management issues.

3.3 Deliverables:

3.3.1 Conclusive evidence from this project:

From this project it is proved that by using software we can save time and work faster. We can reduce mistakes and keep all the data safe without using paper or any manual process.

3.3.2 Different phases or components of deliverables:

We can use this project on the computer. In future we will try to make this project integrated to the phone , So that we can use this in our smart phone as well.

3.3.3 Features of the project:

Login:The pharmacist will get access to the system by use of this module. They will need to provide the information about the user ID and the password given to them at the time of registration. Register:The pharmacist will need to provide some basic details about them into the system after which they will get an ID and the password which they will use to login to the system. Record:This module will provide the function to store the information about the drugs. While it will give information about dosage, cost and the place where it is kept. Notification:This module will alert the pharmacist about the end of the drugs. Add/Delete: We can add and delete any file within the database. Update: We can update anytime any information within the database. 7 Print document: We can print receipts and many other documents. Alert of the expiration date: An alert can be shown if any medicine expires. View: We can view the database anytime we want . That will help us understand the inventory and stocks.

3.4 Timeline:

1-8 january= name decide 9-15 january=Name decide 16-26 january= project proposal 1-28 february=code implementation 1-10 march=report book 11-15 march= presentation

4. Conclusion:

This system has the ability to keep track of the product's stock, purchase and sale. This project intends to computerize the Pharmacy Management System in any inventory Organization in order to improve the record management efficiency due to the grown size of records of data.

5.Future work :

In future we will try to make this project integrated to the phone , So that we can use this in our smart phone as well. 8
