- 👋 Hi, I’m @RashmivernekarN
- Faculty At Keonics Computer Training Centre IT Park Hubli From 2008 To Till date.
- I'm Handling Subjects: MS-Office, Advance Excel, Tally ERP-9, Prime, DTP, Spoken English, Internet Operationas........
- Web Designing--> HTML, CSS, Java Script, PHP.
- Programming Sub: C - - --Language, C++, Java, Oracle....AI with Python
- also learnt Foxpro, VB, Vb.Net, Asp.Net
- 👀 I’m interested in ...Learning as well as Teaching Python and SAP
- 🌱 I’m currently learning ... SAP
- 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on ..............Teaching and Office Work.
- General Knowledge ... Cyber security, Ethical hacking, cloud computing, block chain, AWS, Microsoft Azure, VR, IOT, Darkweb, Creating Blogs and Chatbot........
- 📫 How to reach me ...Join keonics hubli facebook page / watch youtube channel rashmi ktchbl/ rashmi keonics.
- Working Place: Keonics Computer Training Centre IT Park Hubli Hosur.
- Languages Known : Kannada, Hindi, English, and Konkani.
- Hobbies : Learning Applications.
- Nationality : Indian
- Caste : Hindu Daivadnya Brahman.
- Teaching Experience : I Started my Teaching Carrier from 2008 to till date.......
- Others : 1 Year Worked As Programming Faculty at Keonics Karwar 2016.
: 4 Months Worked As CAB Faculty at Fatima Degree Collage Keshwapur Hubli.
DECLARATION: I hereby declared that the above-mentioned Information’s are true to best of my knowledge and belief.