The platform for voting on ideas and actual problem solutions.
Simple, user-friendly, free-of-charge.
A kind of social lift for good ideas to be implemented.
Anyone can propose an idea or solution and get likes and support from others.
Ideas with great support and community can be easily moved forward.
(no discussions here, you may use other services for it)
Find out great ideas, new talents, creators and crowd wisdom!
Written in Python Django + React JS
Hosted with
The project functionality has been improved
by another my old idea:
The "pikker" - is a kind of personal organizer,
(abbr. from personal & private information keeper)
Regular functions like notes, address & contact manager,
calendar & task scheduler, etc. will be available
Currently "All rights reserved",
this software should be an open-source,
free for studying and personal usage,
paid for corporate usage and advanced analytics.
Note: the project is under development at the early stage!
Please, wait for the official launch.