This project explores various machine learning techniques to develop a comprehensive movie recommendation system. We integrate content-based, collaborative filtering, and hybrid models to offer personalized movie recommendations tailored to individual user preferences.
- Aditya Sahani(B22CS003)
- Raunak Singh(B22CS085)
- Arjun Bhattad(B22AI051)
- Krishna Chaudhary(B22EE090)
Dataset : Dataset Link
Our recommendation system leverages state-of-the-art machine learning and natural language processing algorithms to analyze movie features such as genre, director, and synopsis. Through extensive experimentation and evaluation, we optimize the system's performance considering metrics such as accuracy, diversity, and scalability. The deployed system offers a user-friendly interface for discovering relevant movies based on user preferences and browsing history.
- Introduction
- Objectives
- Approaches Tried
- Experiments and Results
- Results
In today’s digital age, recommendation systems play a crucial role in helping users navigate the overwhelming abundance of content. In the realm of movies, our project focuses on developing a recommendation system that provides personalized suggestions based on individual preferences.
We analyze movie attributes such as genre, cast, and director to recommend similar movies based on their content characteristics. Techniques like cosine similarity and Jaccard similarity are employed for this purpose.
We recommend items based on the preferences of other users, leveraging user-item interactions to identify users with similar tastes and preferences. Methods such as matrix factorization and nearest neighbors are utilized in collaborative filtering.
Our hybrid model combines the strengths of both content-based and collaborative filtering methods to enhance recommendation accuracy and coverage. Techniques like cosine similarity and matrix factorization are integrated to provide comprehensive recommendations.
We experiment with various algorithms and techniques, including cosine similarity, matrix factorization, and KNN, evaluating their effectiveness in recommending movies.
Results indicate the performance of different recommendation approaches, highlighting their advantages and limitations.
Our project contributes to the advancement of recommendation systems by demonstrating the effectiveness of integrating multiple techniques to deliver personalized and engaging movie recommendations in real-world applications.