- /carserver: 黄凯老师给的,架设在车子上的服务器;
- /DE0Course: 黄凯老师给的,之前TUM的老师做好的DE0-Nano硬件系统;
- /option_ref: 放的是无关紧要的文档,或是关于future work的参考文档;
- /photos: 黄凯老师拍的照片,未来会把我们自己拍的照片或视频放进去;
- /PWM: 黄凯老师给的pwm ip核的HDL代码(不可直接用于Quartus14或更高版本上,要做修改);
- /ref: 必要的,有帮助的参考文档;
- /self-system-stable: 自己做的,稳定版的DE0-Nano的硬件系统,及测试用的C代码;
- /carserver: Server built up on the car, given by Mr Huang Kai;
- /DE0Course: A hardware system for reference, built up by teachers from TUM, given by Mr Huang Kai;
- /option_ref: Some documents that are not important or only about future work;
- /photos: Photos taken by Mr Huang Kai, and we are about to upload those taken by us;
- /PWM: The original hardware IP of PWM written in HDL, given by Mr Huang Kai (should be modified if you're using QuartusII14.0 or higher version);
- /ref: Documents that are fundamental and helpful;
- /self-system-stable: A stable hardware system on DE0-Nano board built up by us, and the testing code written by C;
- Zedboard相关内容,参见Ricky-Gong/MyZedCar内的资料,以及其他仓的代码