All NLP related courses on DataCamp
Courses involved: Introduction to Natural Language Processing in Python Topics Covered: Regular expressions & word tokenization bag-of-words and Tf-idf using NLTK topic identification Gensim library named-entity recognition polyglot and spaCy libraries fake news classifier 2-Sentiment Analysis in Python sentiment of movie reviews Amazon product reviews Twitter sentiment analysis 3-Building Chatbots in Python rule-based systems for parsing text Understanding natural language with spaCy, scikit-learn, and rasa NLU Building a virtual assistant using hotel’s database for matching results. Dialogue 4-Advanced NLP with spaCy text processing with spaCy data structures and statistical models in spaCy spaCy's processing pipeline custom components custom attributes Training a neural network model 5-Spoken Language Processing in Python converting audio files into soundwaves comparing audio files visually audio files to text using Python SpeechRecognition library Manipulating Audio Files with PyDub sentiment analysis using NLTK named entity recognition using spaCy text classification using scikit-learn 6-Feature Engineering for NLP in Python computing basic features such as number of words, number of characters, average word length and number of special characters text cleaning part-of-speech tagging named entity recognition using spaCy analyze noun usage in fake news N-Gram models TF-IDF and similarity scores