Hi there👋, my web3 name is ZER8🧠 and I'm full time in web3 since 2020. I'm currently a Gitcoin Steward, contributor to 1Hive and ODC volunteer
🔭 I like:
managing and creating grant programs using Gitcoins protocols
helping people navigate and deeply understand web3 and the collaborative economy enabled by it
defending public goods
being a public goods/regen ambassador
stewarding in Gitcoin DAO, Arbitrum DAO, Optimism, 1Hive and other value aligned organisations that I resonate with
the regen movement and nature :D
art of all forms
🌱 I’m currently learning how to build the best Grant Review Dashboard in web3
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on cool stuff related to other cool stuff (lol)
🤔 I’m looking for help with learning data, programming, etc
💬 Ask me about grant programs, web3 trends and how to get you started in web3
📫 You can DM me on Discord: ZER8🧠#9093
⚡ Fun fact: I was the Grant Eligibility team lead for Gitcoin for almost a year and a half. I lead the team and together we reviewed over 3000 grant applications