This repository adds support for various pixel effects, such as blurring or recoloring, that can be used by simply wrapping a widget in them.
First, clone this repository to your awesome wm config directory:
git clone "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/awesome/filters"
Next, compile c-filters.c
cd "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/awesome/filters"
Then, you can use the filters using something like this:
local mywidget = wibox.widget {
markup = "<b>Hello,</b> <i>world!</i>",
halign = "center",
valign = "center",
widget = wibox.widget.textbox,
radius = 20,
opacity = 1.0,
widget = filters.shadow,
- Blur
radius: integer = 10
no_use_kernel: boolean = false
- Shadow
radius: integer = 10
opacity: number = 1.0
- Tint
color: string = "#000000"