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📗 Minishell

A custom shell environment designed to emulate basic features of traditional UNIX shells

Developed using  

Table Of Contents


  • Command Execution: Ability to execute standard Unix/Bash commands.
  • Built-in commands: Includes multiple built-ins such as:
    • cd with only a relative or absolute path.
    • pwd with no options.
    • echo with option -n.
    • env with no options or arguments.
    • exit with no options.
    • unset with no options.
    • export with no options.
  • Command History: Keeps track of previous commands by using the up & down arrow keys.
  • Expansion: Our program interprets and handles environment variable expansion within quotes. Within single quotes its interpreted as a literal value while in double quotes it expands (if its a valid env variable), mirroring Bash's behaviour. It also supports expansion in heredocs.
  • Signal Handling: Includes features like interrupt (Ctrl+C), quit (Ctrl+\), and EOF (Ctrl+D). The signals behave similar to bash.
  • Error Handling: Includes protection for malloc(), pipe(), fork() and more. It also provides clear error messages (E.g. command not found, syntax error, no permission, malloc fail etc..).
  • Redirection And Piping: Supports intput, output, heredoc, and append redirection (>, <, <<, >>). It also supports piping (|) allow to command chaining.
  • Memory Management: Our program frees and cleansup any memory/file descriptors upon termination, ensuring system stability.
  • Tab Completion: Auto complete file names by using tab. Also by pressing tab in the prompt displays the current directories files/folders.
  • Documentation: All functions have doxygen comments to ensure readability and to better understand the underlying logic at a glance.


  1. Clone the repository
git clone
  1. Enter the directory and run make
cd 42minishell
  1. Run the program

NOTE: If you are on Linux you must un-comment the #include <wait.h> library located: ./includes/includes.h

  1. Happy shell scripting :)





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