A Cross Platform Mobile Application to control and synchronise lighting for photography using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices.
This is a React Native project, bootstrapped using @react-native-community/cli
Make sure you have completed the React Native - Environment Setup instructions till "Creating a new application" step, before proceeding.
First, you will need to start Metro, the JavaScript bundler that ships with React Native.
To start Metro, run the following command from the root of your React Native project:
yarn start
Let Metro Bundler run in its own terminal. Open a new terminal from the root of your React Native project. Run the following command to start your Android or iOS app:
yarn android
yarn ios
If everything is set up correctly, you should see your new app running in your Android Emulator or iOS Simulator shortly provided you have set up your emulator/simulator correctly.
This is one way to run your app — you can also run it directly from within Android Studio and Xcode respectively.
- If you're curious to learn more about React Native, check out the Introduction to React Native.
|- android/ - Android Native Code
|- ios/ - iOS Native Code
|- src/ - React Native Code
|- components/ - React Native Components
|- navigation/ - React Navigation
|- screens/ - React Native Screens
|- GroupControl/ - Group Control Screen
|- Home/ - Home Screen
|- PeripheralControl/ - Individual Peripheral Control Screen
|- Peripherals/ - Peripherals Screen (For debugging)
|- LogViewer.tsx - Log Viewer Screen (For debugging)
|- state/ - Zustand State Management
|- types/ - TypeScript Types
|- utils/ - Utility Functions
cd android
./gradlew assembleRelease
Use Xcode to build the release.
You may need to enable adb reverse if you're using a physical Android device.
adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081
If you can't get this to work, see the Troubleshooting page.
To learn more about React Native, take a look at the following resources:
- React Native Website - learn more about React Native.
- Getting Started - an overview of React Native and how setup your environment.
- Learn the Basics - a guided tour of the React Native basics.
- Blog - read the latest official React Native Blog posts.
- the Open Source; GitHub repository for React Native.