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Damian Recoskie edited this page Jan 4, 2024 · 2 revisions

FL64 Basic functions and reference.

  1. Adds the following to double precision numbers:
    1. Numbers have a length

      var MyNum = 7;
      alert( MyNum.length + "" );

      The initial length of all numbers is 0.

    2. Method num.split()


      Takes a whole part out of the number. Adds one to the number length. Return number minus the part taken out of the number.

      num.split( a, b )

      Takes selected "a" part out of the number. With selected scale size "b". Adds one to the number length. Return number minus the part taken out of the number.

    3. Method num.Trans( x, A, B )

      Number is split into whole parts till x. Then your functions A, and B are used to calculate the split into A by B parts there after. Number value should be 0 if A, and B line up perfect per part.

    4. Method num.splitAll()

      Splits the number into the next whole part till value is 0.

    5. Method num.limit( ac )

      The default limit is the last binary digit. Which is 1/(2^52). Chaining this affects the number of parts a number can be split into before 0.

    6. Method num.toString() Enhanced:

      num.toString( true )

      Displays all parts the number has been split into. In A, B with the remaining value on the last line.

      num.toString( base )

      Display value in base 2 through 36.

      num.toString( base, true )

      If true then display the float value past round off point in bases 2 through 36. The exact value of the number PI as an double precision number in decimal (base 10) is 3.141592653589793115997963468544185161590576171875, but is rounded off at 3.141592653589793.


      Double precision number to decimal string.

    7. Method parseFloat() Enhanced:

      parseFloat( str, base )

      Convert string base 2 through 36 to an float value.

      parseFloat( str )

      Converts decimal string to double precision number.

    8. Method num.remove( el )

      Remove a A by B part from the number. Returns the changed number value.

    9. Method num.setA( el, val )

      Change value taken out of the number. At a particular part. Returns the changed number value.

    10. Method num.setB( el, val )

      Change the scale going to the next part. Returns the changed number value.

    11. Method num.calc()


      Add all parts back to a number. Returns a new added up number.

      num.calc( start, end )

      Add selected parts back to A number. Returns a new added up number.

    12. Method num.calcF()


      Add all parts back to a fraction. Returns Fraction.

      num.calc( start, end )

      Add selected parts to a fraction. Returns Fraction.

    13. Method num.getFract()

      Split number to all parts add to fraction. Using num.limit( ac ) changes the end point. Returns number as an Fraction data type.

    14. Method num.avgFract()

      Returns number as best matching parts to a fraction. Using num.limit( ac ) changes the end point. Returns number as an Fraction data type.

    15. Method num.err()

      Error correction for double precision numbers. Returns error corected number.

    16. Methods num.bitLsh( shift ), num.bitRsh( shift ).

      Right shift, and left shift double precision numbers in memory. Return number as an bitNumber.

    17. Methods num1.bitOr( num2 ), num1.bitAnd( num2 ), num1.bitXor( num2 ), num1.bitNot().

      Do 64 bitwise using all 64 bits of both double precision numbers in memory. Return number as an bitNumber.

    18. Method num.bits().

      Return number as an bitNumber.

    19. Method num.toPattern()


      Converts the bits in the mantissa to a pattern data type.

      num.toPattern( base ).

      Converts the bits in the mantissa to a different base then pattern data type.

  1. Bit Number Data type.

    1. Bit Numbers act as a regular number with three new properties num.sing, num.exp, num.mantissa which can be manipulated, or read.
      var num = ( 3.14 ).bits();
      alert( num );  //The number is displayed as 64 bits in binary as it is in the computer memory.
      alert( "Value = " + num ); //3.14 when added to String.
      alert( num.exp );  //The number value of the double precision exponent.
      alert( num.exp.toString(2) );  //The number value of the double precision exponent in binary.
      //Right shift the double precision exponent by one, and subtract 1.
      num.exp = ( num.exp >> 1 ) -1;
      alert( num );  //The number is displayed as 64 bits in binary as it is in the computer memory.
      alert( "Value = " + num ); //The new manipulated number value.
      alert( num.exp );  //The new number value of the double precision exponent.
      alert( num.exp.toString(2) );  //The number value of the double precision exponent in binary.
    2. Bit Numbers convert to Number during any Math, or Arithmetic/Logic operation.
      var num = ( 3.14 ).bits();
      //Any Number operation that does not return "bitNumber" will convert back to "Number".
      num = ( ( num + 9 ) * 7 ) << 2;
      alert( "Add 9, multiply by 7, Left Shift 2 = " + num );
      alert( "Exponet = " + num.exp + "" ); //No "bitNumber" exponent.
      alert( "Exponet = " + num.bits().exp + "" ); //To "bitNumber" then exponent.
      alert( "Exponet = " + num.bitLsh(1).exp + "" ); //Or do "bitLsh()" gives "bitNumber".
    3. Method parseNumber( str, base ):

      //The number PI in IEEE-754 double precision binary format.
      var num = parseNumber( "0100000000001001001000011111101101010010111011001001010000101010" );
      alert( num ); //Displays "3.141592643589793".
      //The number PI in IEEE-754 double precision hex format 0x400921FB52EC942A.
      var num2 = parseNumber( "400921FB52EC942A", 16 );
      alert( num2 ); //Displays "3.141592643589793".
      //Convert Number to Bit Number.
      var num = ( 79.6771716761117 ).bits();
      //Display Number in base 36 IEEE-754 double precision, and parse back to an Number.
      var str36 = num.toString(36);
      alert( str36 + " = " + parseNumber( str36, 36 ) );

  1. Fraction Data type.

    1. Fractions are displayed in proper fraction format.
      var f = new Fract( 314, 100 );
      alert( f );  //The Fraction "14÷100+3" is displayed.
      alert( "Value = " + f );  //3.14 is displayed when added to an string.
      alert( "Value = " + f.toString() );  //The Fraction "14÷100+3" is displayed.
    2. Fractions convert to Number during any Math, or Arithmetic/Logic operation.
      var f1 = new Fract( 9, 17 ), f2 = new Fract( 99, 10 );
      //Any Number operation, or arithmetic operation will convert back to "Number".
      //This includes adding fractions, or multiplying.
      f1 = f1 + 71;
      alert( f1 );  //The number "71.52941176470588" is displayed.
      //Ask the number to be an fraction again.
      f1 = f1.getFract();
      alert( f1 );  //9÷17+71 is displayed.
      //Multiply fractions.
      f1 = f1 * f2;
      alert( f1 );  //The number "708.1411764705882" is displayed.
      //Ask the number to be an fraction again.
      f1 = f1.getFract();
      alert( f1 );  //The fraction "12÷85+708" is displayed.
      //Convert Fraction to number then to bit number.
      f2 = ( f2 + 0 ).bits();
      //Add the Bit number to fraction. Both convert to Number during Math operation.
      f1 = f1 + f2;
      alert( f1 );  //The Number "718.0411764705882" is displayed.
    3. Method Fract.divP():

      Divides the fraction in select number base 2 through 36 returns the periodic Pattern part.
      For Example 1÷7 = 0.142857142857 in which the recurring digits "142857" repeat over and over to infinity.
      However 1÷7 divides evenly in (base 7), but not out of per 10 digits.

      var Pat = new Fract( 1, 7 ).divP(); //Divide 1 into 7 in binary.
      alert( Pat ); //The repeating pattern in an double precision numbers mantissa bits is "001∞".
      Pat = new Fract( 1, 7 ).divP( 10 ); //Divide 1 into 7 in decimal (base 10).
      alert( Pat ); //The repeating pattern in decimal is "142857∞".
    4. Method Fract.Reduce():

      Reduce fraction to lowest possible whole value.
      Returns Fraction data type.

    5. Method Fract.toString():

      Returns an string of the fraction as a proper fraction.

    6. Method Fract.toString( op ):

      Returns an string of the fraction as script code combined with any operator such as comparison, or logic/arithmetic, or math operator.
      Main use is self building code that then can be compiled using eval().

      var x = 1;
      var f = ( Math.random() * 1000 ).getFract(1);
      var code = "";
      for( var i = 0; i < 7; f = ( Math.random() * 1000 ).getFract(1), i++ )
        code += "x" + f.toString( "*=" ) + ";\r\n";
      //Put the code into an function.
      code = "var MyFunc = function( x ) {\r\n" + code + "return( x ); };"
      //Display the Self generated function.
      alert( "Self generated code =\r\n" + code );
      //Compile the function.
      //Pass random values to the function.
      x = Math.random();
      alert( x + " = " + MyFunc( x ) + "" );
      x = Math.random();
      alert( x + " = " + MyFunc( x ) + "" );
      x = Math.random();
      alert( x + " = " + MyFunc( x ) + "" );

      Note if one wants to you can create an array of random functions with this and link them together.
      Or one can combine this with an algorithm to generate a function based on an data set.

  1. Recurring Pattern Data type.

    1. The recurring pattern data type is for fractions that do not divide by number base properly.
      For example, 1÷7 in decimal can not divide, producing recurring digits "142857".

      var Pat = new Pattern( "142857", 10 );
      alert( Pat ); //Displays "142857∞"
      var Fract = Pat.getFract();
      alert( "Fraction = " + Fract.toString() ); //Displays Fraction "1÷7".
      //The value of the fraction.
      alert( "Value = " + Fract ); //Displays "0.14285714285714285" In which digits "142857" repeats.

      If no base is specified binary is amused.

      var Pat = new Pattern( "001" );
      alert( Pat ); //Displays "001∞"
      var Fract = Pat.getFract();
      alert( "Fraction = " + Fract.toString() ); //Displays Fraction "1÷7".
      //The value of the fraction.
      alert( "Value = " + Fract ); //Displays "0.14285714285714285" In which digits "142857" repeats.
      alert( "Value = " + (Fract + 0).toString(2) ); //Displays "0.001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001" In which digits "001∞" repeats.
    2. Method Pat.getFract():

      Returns the fraction that produces the repeating pattern.

    3. Method Pat.avgFract():

      Returns the fraction that produces the best matching repeating pattern within the digits.

      Note it is possible to use this as an high performance alternative to finding the best matching rescuing pattern in data.

    4. Method Pat.toFract( num ):

      Removes the pattern component of an float number then compute the Fraction.

      var Pat = new Pattern( "142857", 10 ); //The Pattern of "1÷7".
      var num = ( 1 / 7 ) * 3; //The fraction "(1÷7)x3".
      alert( Pat.toFract( num ) ); //Gives the fraction "3÷7".
    5. Method Pat.toString():

      The infinite repeating pattern to an string.

  1. Vector/Array based operations.

    All functions in this library can be used with an group of numbers rather than just one number at an time.
    This includes error correct all numbers in array by calling method ".err()" on the array for example.
    This includes the Set data type used in the AI Matrix library, because the set type is basically array.
    The elements in the array are automatically adjusted and converted to the proper data type, so if number is in "64bit's", or an "fraction" and you use number error correction then the array elements are converted to the proper type number.
    Any elements that do not support the operation are removed.
    //The output to be displayed in new window.
    var out = "";
    //Create Array of ten random fractions.
    for( var i = 0, a = []; i < 10; a[ i++ ] = new Fract( Math.random() * 1000, Math.random() * 1000 ) );
    out += "<hr / >Find the division pattern of all fractions.";
    a = a.divP(); //Find division pattern.
    out += "<hr / >" + ( a + "" ).replace( /,/g, "<br />" );
    out += "<hr / >Convert all ten patterns to fractions.";
    a = a.getFract(); //Convert to fract.
    out += "<hr / >" + ( a + "" ).replace( /,/g, "<br />" );
    out += "<hr / >Convert all ten fractions to float value.";
    a = a.valueOf(); //Value of each element.
    out += "<hr / >" + ( a + "" ).replace( /,/g, "<br />" );
    out += "<hr / >Convert all ten numbers to bits.";
    a = a.bits(); //Convert to bit's.
    out += "<hr / >" + ( a + "" ).replace( /,/g, "<br />" );
    out += "<hr / >Xor the seventh number by all numbers."
    a = a.bitXor( a[7] ); //Xor number 7 by all numbers.
    out += "<hr / >" + ( a + "" ).replace( /,/g, "<br />" );
    out += "<hr / >Convert all ten 64bit's to float value.";
    a = a.valueOf(); //Value of each element.
    out += "<hr / >" + ( a + "" ).replace( /,/g, "<br />" );
    //Write output to an new blank window.
    var w =''); w.document.write( out );