This is the main piece of code used for this project. It creates a Neural-Network model, according to a given input file, trains it and logs its performance to external files.
This code is based on Python 3, using:
- Keras
- TensorFlow (as backend),
- Numpy
- Pandas, for saving layers outputs as csv files.
- boto3
and their respectful dependencies.
Each package may be installed using PIP from terminal:
pip3 install package_name
or using Anaconda (from the conda environment terminal)
conda install package_name
Some installation may require admin privilege. See each package dependencies for further explanations.
All logs created in this program are uploaded to specific folders in Amazon's S3 service. As a result, those who wish to run this program MUST acquire (somehow) a json file named credentials.json. This file must contain the AWS user public and private keys.
Running may be performed using terminal commands:
python3_path main.py_relative_path --[experiment_config_file_relative_path]
python3_path main.py_relative_path -i [experiment_config_file_relative_path]
For example, if python3 is an environment variable in windows, and the terminal is in the project's main directory (MathFoundationsInML_FinalProject), one may run the program using:
python3 --[experiment_file.json]
python3 -i [experiment_file.json]
For more instructions, one may run the help commands:
python3_path main.py_relative_path --help
python3_path main.py_relative_path -h
The experiment configuration file is optional. If not given as input, the file experiment_config.json will be used instead.
- Elad Eatah- A MSc student at the school of mathematical sciences, Tel-Aviv University.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
- Keras Team - for the usage of Keras in this project.
- TensorFlow Team - for using TensorFlow as backend. TensorFlow, the TensorFlow logo and any related marks are trademarks of Google Inc.
- Amazon Inc.- for usage of boto3.
- Yu-Yang- whose code used for plotting Training and validation in single graph to TensorBoard.