a Fallout 4 like dialog/quest system for RedEM:RP
- Be sure you have RedEM and RedEM:RP Installed if not --> RedEM --> RedEM:RP
- Clone redem_dialog into [redemrp] folder
- add
ensure redemrp_dialog
afterensure redem_roleplay
- Use 'Config.Debug' to enable following commands and prints.
- /getdialog ID - Prints information about dialog in server console.
- /getdialogs - Prints All dialogs in console.
- /opendialog ID - Opens following dialog menu.
- Use following example in server-side to create a dialog menu
TriggerEvent("redemrp_dialog:createDialog", ID, "TITLE", "SUBTITLE/CONTEXT",
{name = "OPTION 1", func = function(source) TriggerEvent('redemrp_dialog:openDialog', ID , source) end}, -- OPENS NEXT DIALOG
{name = "OPTION 2", func = function() print("SELECTED 2") end}, -- PRINTING 2 IN CONSOLE
{name = "OPTION 3", func = function() end, focusOFF = true} -- CLOSES AND UNFOCUSING MENU
- Use following example in client-side to open a dialog menu
TriggerServerEvent("redemrp_dialog:openDialog", ID)
- There is also example provided in sv_quest.lua and cl_quest.lua, use Config.ExampleQuest = true to enable the example quest(It's enabled by default).
- For any support join our discord - https://discord.gg/FKH4uwb