An in-memory cache datastore written with Deno.
This is currently beta software, and definitely not tested in a production sense. The road to Release Candidate isn't far off but it does require testing and benchmarking. Make sure to check out and watch for the progress.
docker run -e MAX_CONNECTIONS=200 -p 8200:8200 redactedprofile/echo:latest
# Using netcat
nc host:8200
Coming soon!
CHK mykey
The value doesn't have to be wrapped in quotes, but if your value contains any spaces it will need them
SET mykey keyvalue
SET mykey "key value"
This is a convenience feature to negate the need for sending a follow up command
SET mykey "keyvalue" 1200
TTL mykey 1600
GET mykey
DEL mykey
Returns a JSON string array of discovered key names
# Prefix search
KEY mykey*
# Suffix Search
KEY *mykey
# Fuzzy Search
KEY *mykey*
FND "search value"
This resets all tables to their default state
Though optional, This project uses the Velociraptor task runner for common tasks, to install
$ deno install --allow-read --allow-env --allow-run -n vr
To run the project
$ vr start
Without Velocirator
deno run --allow-env --allow-net .\echo.ts