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Veljko Vuckovic edited this page Oct 13, 2023 · 1 revision

Welcome to the setup guide for Steam-Card-Bot-ULTRA

Thanks for supporting my work, if you haven't yet, get your copy at:

Prerequisites (What bot require to start)



Download and install nodejs

Windows / Mac / Linux
Download from
(Version recommended for most users) - this can change.

Stabile version for the project is v15.2.1, there might be issues with v14. node-v15.2.1-x64.msi

Text Editor

Download and install text editor by choice

Windows / Mac / Linux

Essentials (What you need to run the app)

Steam Account: Don't have one?: create one
Shared Secret code (Follow the guide we will get this later)
Steam Account API: API Key can be retrieved at

While trying to get the API key make sure to be logged in steam on the account you are trying to get the API from