An Embedded System Project using ATmega32 Microcontroller
Running a Cooler (DC motor) with a speed which increased when temperature increased and will start to run if the temperature is greater than 35C.
- Cooler(DC Motor).
- LED and Buzzer.
- Microcontroller(Using ATmega32).
- Temperature Sensor(Using LM35).
- LCD & 7-Segments.
- Cooler, buzzer and LED will be on when temperature is more than 35C and off when less than 35C.
- Temperature should be appeared on LCD first row and also in 7-Segments.
- Cooler speed (Duty Cycle) should be appeared in second row on LCD.
- Cooler is consists of 5volt DC motor, when the range of temperature is from 35c to 50c the cooler Dc volt should be from 2.5v to 5v.
- Temperature reading is taken every 1sec.