A utility package for making discord-bot commands much easier to write with discord.js.
npm i @reinforz/cordmand
yarn add @reinforz/cordmand
import { Client, GatewayIntentBits } from "discord.js";
import { addCommands } from "@reinforz/cordmand";
import { Commands } from "@reinforz/cordmand/types";
// initiate discord.js client
const client = new Client({
intents: [
// define your commands similar to
const commands: Commands = {
interactionCreate: [
// define interactions here
name: "ping",
cb: async (interaction) => {
await interaction.reply("Pong!");
name: "hello",
message: {
content: "hello",
ephemeral: true,
messageCreate: [
regex: /ping/i,
message: "pong",
regex: /hi/i,
// message can also be a callback function which can access the discord message object
message: (_, message) => `hello <@${message.author.id}>`,
regex: /bye/i,
message: (_, message) => `bye ${message.author.username}`,
reply: true, // uses discord's message.reply intead of just sending the message in the same channel
regex: /args/i,
message: (args) => `The arguments are: ${args.join(", ")}`,
reply: true,
// add commands to the client by calling the addCommands function provided by the client
addCommands(client, commands, {
messageCommandPrefix: /^i!/i,
// Add your command prefix regex. Make sure to include ^ (starts with) in the regex
// login
import { makeDiscordClient } from "@reinforz/cordmand";
import { Commands, MakeDiscordClientOptions } from "@reinforz/cordmand/types";
import { commands } from "./some-file"
const makeClientOptions: MakeDiscordClientOptions = {
botToken: process.env.BOT_TOKEN!,
clientOptions: {
intents: ["Guilds", "GuildMessages", "MessageContent", "GuildMembers"],
commands, // the same command object as previous one, It will work in the same way as the previous example
addCommandsOptions: {
messageCommandPrefix: /^i!/i,