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Simple shell scripts to control relays connected to your raspberry pi with a via CLI, cron like scheduler, external switches, REST API and Web-UI.


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Simple shell scripts to control relays connected to your raspberry pi with a via CLI, cron like scheduler, external switches REST API and a WEB UI.

tests version stable branch


Compatible Raspberry Pi Boards

Operating System



  1. Connect your relay’s control circuit to one of the GPIO pins marked with O and GND, max 6 relays at this time.
  2. Connect your exnternal switches to GPIO pins makred with I and +5V, max 6 exnternal switches at this time
                  Pin Pin
           +3V3 [ ]1   2[ ] +5V
 SDA1 / GPIO  2 [ ]3   4[ ] +5V
 SCL1 / GPIO  3 [ ]5   6[ ] GND
        GPIO  4 [ ]7   8[ ] GPIO 14 / TXD0
            GND [ ]9   0[ ] GPIO 15 / RXD0
        GPIO 17 [O]11 12[O] GPIO 18
        GPIO 27 [O]13 14[ ] GND
        GPIO 22 [O]15 16[O] GPIO 23
           +3V3 [ ]17 18[O] GPIO 24
 MOSI / GPIO 10 [ ]19 20[ ] GND
 MISO / GPIO  9 [ ]21 22[I] GPIO 25
 SCLK / GPIO 11 [ ]23 24[ ] GPIO  8 / CE0#
            GND [ ]25 26[ ] GPIO  7 / CE1#
ID_SD / GPIO  0 [ ]27 28[ ] GPIO  1 / ID_SC
        GPIO  5 [I]29 30[ ] GND
        GPIO  6 [I]31 32[I] GPIO 12
        GPIO 13 [I]33 34[ ] GND
 MISO / GPIO 19 [ ]35 36[ ] GPIO 16 / CE2#
        GPIO 26 [I]37 38[ ] GPIO 20 / MOSI
            GND [ ]39 40[ ] GPIO 21 / SCLK

Boot and Install

Boot Raspberry Pi OS once logged in you can install relayct using the following command.

curl -s | sudo bash

This start an interactive wizard, follow the prompts to install relayctl


Update rc.local

Remove the following entrys from rc.local

/etc/relayctl/ test
/etc/relayctl/ &
/etc/relayctl/ &

Delete relayctl folder

delete the relayctl folder in /etc

sudo -rf /etc/relayct

Uninstall Nginx, fcgiwrap and jq

If you enabled the API during the install process you will need uninstall the following packages

  • nginx
  • fcgiwrap
  • jq

run the folloing command to do so

sudo apt remove -y nginx fcgiwrap jq

Delete the cgi api script

Finaly you will need to delete the CGI api script

rm -f /usr/lib/cgi-bin/api.cgi


For detailed instructions please see the Wiki, If you have any Questions or concerns please create an issue here.


Simple shell scripts to control relays connected to your raspberry pi with a via CLI, cron like scheduler, external switches, REST API and Web-UI.




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