Hackathon code for Sattose2012 to make Vadim happy. Septem-hipster was not cool enough to our liking.
So, you'd like to install the small thing we did? That's cute.
- Install Eclipse Juno
- Install https://github.com/cderoove/damp.ekeko
- Checkout https://github.com/ReinoutStevens/damp.scrapperplugin and import it as an Eclipse Plugin Project
- Die a little bit inside
- Download the tar-file of the repositories. Note that this file is quite large. The file can be found here. Extract the tar-file under your Eclipse workspace (or a custom workspace not to pollute your own).
You should be able to launch the 'Scrapperplugin' as an Eclipse Application. If you cannot do so, go back to step 1.
- Import 101repo (the easiest is to create a new project at the location of 101repo)
- Rightclick on 101repo and do 'add history nature' and 'include in ekeko queries'. You should suddenly see the other projects as well.
- Grab a beer, you'll need it.
- Go to the Ekeko Menu and do 'start nRepl'.
- Go to your original Eclipse and connect to the REPL, either by clicking the link in the console or by Window - Connect to nREPL.
- Load ScrapperPlugin/scrapperplugin.clj.logic.clj (rightclick, load in REPL)
- Switch to the file's namespace (rightclick, switch to namespace)
The following code should work. If not you did something wrong. Go back to step 3, repeat as much as needed. Also check that you are actually in the namespace.
(def model (first (history-project-models)))
(def graph (make-graph model))
(def root (first (all-roots))
If you got this far everything should work. Hooray!
We have written some very interesting queries (cough) that reason over the history of the repository. We will start by just getting all the file types that are present in the whole repository (so each version).
(run* [ext] ;;run a logic query
(file-extensiono ext)) ;;ext is a file-extension
You should get some results now. The next step is all the file-extensions in the first version.
(run* [ext]
(fresh [end] ;;a new logical var
(qwal graph root end ;;run a query over graph, from root to end
[] ;;define no new variables that are used in the qwal part
(qcurrent ;;execute the following stuff in the current version
(file-extensiono ext))))) ;;get file types in this version
In QWAL everything is executed in the current version. So in the previous example everything is executed in the root version. In the next example we will look for extensions that are available in all the versions.
(run* [ext]
(fresh [end]
(qwal graph root end
(q=>+ ;;the following goal must succeed 1 or many times
(file-extensiono ext)))
qendversiono))) ;;the current version has no successors
As a final example we will look which filetypes are added in the last version. Note that this query does not return any results, as we only use 5 versions that only contain commits from the same contribution.
(run* [added-extension]
(fresh [begin]
(qwal graph begin root [] ;;we end in root
(qcurrent [current] ;;an extension is present
(fresh [ext]
q<= ;; go to a predecessor
(qfail ;;and it is no longer present
(damp.ekeko.workspace.reification/file-extensiono added-extension))))))
This query is a bit more complex. First of all, we reason through the repository backwards. This makes the query a bit easier: we are looking for a version where an extension is not present, and the extension is added in the successor. Unfortunately, looking whether something is not present can only be done when you know what you are actually looking for. So we change the query to first look for a version where an extension is present, and then look for a predecessor where the extension is not present.
In general we can ask everything Eclipse provides us. For a normal IProject this is not too interesting, as you can only ask filenames and its contents, but you dont get any structural information about the contents (so AST nodes). For this you'd need a project in a single language that Eclipse can build. Unfortunately this is not the case with the 101repo project.