ZI-ISAG is an internet search augmented generation paradigm for LLMs. Key features include:
- Dynamically integrate the latest online information (without maintaining any index for any fixed corpus).
- The core component is an extractor LLM which can accurately and efficiently extract relevant information from the tagged content.
- Extractor LLM only outputs the associated TAGs in the tagged content, significantly improving efficiency of the extraction process.
This project was made possible thanks to a collaboration with:
We use conda to manage our enviroment with CUDA 12.1 and cuDNN 9.1.0.
Create and activate env zi-isag:
conda create -p /YOUR_PATH_TO_CONDA_ENV/zi-isag python=3.10.14
conda activate /YOUR_PATH_TO_CONDA_ENV/zi-isag
Build the env with requirements.txt
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
The construction includes the following steps:
- Split and Tag
- Extract Info-Tag
- Double Check
- Portion and Construct
All details of these steps could be found in data/construct.py
The training computation was conducted on four NVIDIA H800 GPUs, each with 80GB of memory by the DeepSpeed parallel training system. A example could be seen in train/sft/train_zi-isag.sh
deepspeed --include localhost:0,1,2,3 main_no_padding.py \
--data_path ../../data/instruction_set/zi-isag/example \
--data_split 1,0,0 \
--model_name_or_path YOUR_MODLE_PATH \
--max_seq_len 16384 \
--learning_rate 5e-6 \
--weight_decay 0. \
--num_train_epochs 3 \
--gradient_accumulation_steps 4 \
--lr_scheduler_type cosine_with_min_lr \
--num_warmup_steps 0 \
--seed 1234 \
--gradient_checkpointing \
--zero_stage 3 \
--deepspeed \
--output_dir ./model_ckpts/ \
--exp_name YOUR_EXP_NAME \
--tensorboard_path ./save_tensorboard \
--data_output_path ./YOUR_DATA_OUTPUT \
Note that we set --per_device_train_batch_size
to 1 by default, so no padding is needed. If you want to use a --per_device_train_batch_size
larger than 1, you may edit train/sft/train_zi-isag.sh
, the create_dataset_split
function within train/utils/data/data_utils_no_padding.py
, and make any other modifications you may require.