I am a student in computer science, and what I like is simulation, optimisation and physic.
- Magnet simulation. I've created on Unity a project that allows the user to create magnets (in various forms like a solenoid, a tore, or a tokamak) and particles. I'm calculating using the GPU all the interactions between magnets and particles, according to their parameters (charge, mass, distance, speed, etc...).
- Fabric and solid simulation. During a school project we learned how to simulate those things using a mass-spring system.
Magnet simulation | Fabric simulation | Solid simulation |
- Fluid simulation. I've created a C++ and OpenGL project to calculate and display a grid in 2D that mimic the behavior of a fluid.
- Sea simulation. I followed a tutorial made by Acerola that explain how to simulate a realistic ocean. It was my first introduction to shaders and GPU coding.
Sea simulation | Fluid simulation |
- Plasma simulation.
- atoms' interactions simulation