The rem.bonus public contract, which claims own reward and distributes it among the specified accounts.
Distribute rewards in proportion between the accounts indicated in the table. Can be called once a day.
$ remcli push action rembonus distrewards '[]' -p accountnum1
Add the accounts to which rewards will be distributed. It can only be called by the owner of the contract.
$ remcli push action rembonus addaccounts '[["accountnum1", "accountnum2"], ["0.5", "0.5"]]' -p rembonus
Remove account from the rewards distribution list. It can only be called by the owner of the contract.
$ remcli push action rembonus removeacc '["accountnum1"]' -p rembonus
- Eosio.cdt v1.7 -
- Boost v1.67 or later -
$ git clone && cd rem-bonus-contract
$ bash
Or, if you already worked with the project:
$ cd build/rem.bonus && make
$ remcli set contract rembonus 'absolute_path'/remme-guardian-reward-contract/build/rem.bonus --abi rem.bonus.abi -p rembonus