This project uses the Robust PCA algorithm. For the Robust PCA's optimization problem, we can use the Primary Component Pursuit Algorithm achieved by the The Augmented Lagrange Multiplier Method, decomposing a video in the form of a matrix into a sum of a low-rank and a sparse matrix.
For the SVD algorithm, We'll use Facebook's Fast Randomized PCA library.
Check out the project's report doc (Portuguese)
- NumPy >= 2.0.0
- SciPy >= 1.11.1
- MoviePy >= 1.0.3
- fbpca >= 1.0
Demonstrating the usability of the lib
from cctv_encoder import Encoder, Decoder
# Encode process
WORKDIR = "/workspaces/CCTV-Encoder/test_Files/CCTV/"
my_enc = Encoder(WORKDIR)
my_enc.encode(video_path = "CCTV_video.mp4")
# Decode process
decoder = Decoder(WORKDIR)
decoder.decode(encoded_file_path = WORKDIR + "CCTV_video.npz",
out_file_name = "CCTV_video_foreground_decoded.mp4",
composition = "foreground")
decoder.decode(encoded_file_path = WORKDIR + "CCTV_video.npz",
out_file_name = "CCTV_video_background_decoded.mp4",
composition = "background")
decoder.decode(encoded_file_path = WORKDIR + "CCTV_video.npz",
out_file_name = "CCTV_video_decoded.mp4",
composition = "both")