Online Ordering System for a restaurant.
This web application has Laravel REST API with token authentication, Livewire for dynamic search functionality, Pusher js and Websockets for realtime notifications, and dynamic admin dashboard using Vue 2.
Author: Renz De la Torre
Technologies used:
HTML, Bootstrap, and Javascript for Customer Website Frontend,
Vue JS 2 for Admin Dashboard Frontend,
Laravel 8 for Backend / API,
MySQL for Database
XAMPP for development server
How to build and run locally:
- Clone repository using git clone
- cd into project directory.
- Run composer install
- Run npm install
- Copy .env.example file and rename it to .env then provide the necessary configurations.
- Run php artisan key:generate
- Create an empty MySQL database, keep in mind your configuration in the .env file.
- Run php artisan migrate
- Run php artisan serve
Specific Objectives:
Create an online Menu in the website.
- Users can filter and search menu items.
- Customers can add menu items to their cart.
- Admin dashboard users can add, edit, and remove products
Implement user account authentication.
- Users can register to the system and obtain a user account.
- Login using email and password.
- Add and update user details and contact information.
- Users can only create an order if they are logged into an account.
Allow customers to manage their orders.
- Users can add, edit, and remove menu items from the orders.
- Customers can filter and search for specific orders. They can also see their order history.
Reviews can be created for menu items.
- Customers can add, edit, and remove their reviews.
- Admin dashboard users can manage and moderate the reviews.
Reviews can be created for menu items.
- Customers can add, edit, and remove their reviews.
- Admin dashboard users can manage and moderate the reviews.
Admin dashboard users can receive notifications.
- Notifications will be created when an order or review has been made.
- Admin dashboard will have monthly sales and best products reports.
*Check the DATABASE SCHEMA PDF file for the Database Structure
Website Video Demo:
Admin Dashboard Video Demo: