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This platform is, somewhat for making the grad onboarding process simpler. Also for creating a central location for tracking changes to personal information, certification, skills,project and etc.

Getting Started


Install software for the project

  • Microsoft Visual Studio Code
  • Node.js v18.17.1
  • Make sure to check version if you are using nvm

Cloning the repository

git clone ''

Open project

Open folder "RGO-Client" in Visual Studio Code

Change to the develop branch

Make sure to have Git installed to run any Git command lines.

#cd RGO-Client
git checkout develop

.env File

Ensure the .env file is available in the root directory of the project.

Install dependencies for the project

#cd RGO-Client
npm install


#cd RGO-Client
ng serve (run 'npm start' if the command does not work.)

Runs on this location

To stop the run use "ctrl+c", enter y on the console running the project

Naming Conventions

This section outlines the best practices for naming APIs, variables, and methods. Following these conventions ensures consistency, readability, and ease of understanding in your API design.


  • Use forward slash: For resource hierarchy and separation of URI resources.
  • Use nouns, not verbs: To describe resources.
  • Use plural nouns: To indicate collections.
  • Lowercase letters: URLs should be typed in lowercase.
  • Use hyphens to separate words: For readability and SEO benefits.
  • Endpoint strings can be the same with different Request Mapping: Different HTTP methods can operate on the same URI.

Correct and Incorrect Examples

Aspect Correct Example Incorrect Example
Use forward slash /resource/subresource resource_subresource
Use nouns, not verbs /users /getUsers
Use plural nouns /orders /order
Lowercase letters /user-profile /User-Profile
Use hyphens to separate words /user-profile /user_profile
Endpoint strings can be the same with different Request Mapping Different methods for /employees/{id} (PUT, GET) Separate endpoints for each action


  • All variables in camelCase: For consistency and readability in code.
  • Service references with underscore: To indicate a service or injected dependency.

Correct and Incorrect Examples

Aspect Correct Example Incorrect Example
All variables in camelCase employeeId EmployeeID or employee_id
Service references with underscore _employeeService employeeService


  • Method names in PascalCase: For clear identification as methods or actions.
  • Descriptive names, except in lambdas: Names should clearly describe the method's purpose.

Correct and Incorrect Examples

Aspect Correct Example Incorrect Example
Method names in PascalCase SaveEmployeeDocument saveEmployeeDocument
Descriptive names, except in lambdas CalculateAnnualSalary CalcSalary or CS