Quick and dirty Dependency Injection for Unity / DI totalement à la noix
DItan is used to Inject scriptable object at the start of a scene.
First, create an empty GameObject in the scene with the component "SceneInjector" attached. Then create a ScriptableInjector asset with Right click > Create/DItan/ScriptableInjector.
[CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "game/assets/Player stats")]
public class PlayerStats : ScriptableObject
public int Score => 10;
public class ScoreBoard : MonoBehaviour
[Inject] private PlayerStats _stats;
[SerializeField] private Text _scoreText;
private void Start()
_scoreText.text = _stats.Score.ToString();
private void InternalSpawnIntoScene(Vector3 position)
_refInScene = _injector.InstantiateNew(_modelPrefab, position, Quaternion.identity);
_selectable = _refInScene.GetComponent<Selectable>();
_navMeshAgent = _refInScene.GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>();