A challenge to create a calendar app that pulls data from a google calendar and presents it to the user
As a Keen Interpretive Dance Institute Enthusiast (Kidie) I want to be able to see all upcoming events for the Interpretive Dance Institute (IDI) with the ability to narrow down the events to fit my interests and schedule so that I can select the events that I would like to attend.
- As a Kidie I want to see the key information for each calendar event so that I know an events title, description, start date/time and end date/time.
- As a Kidie I want to be able to filter the events by date range so that I can target events that I know I am able to attend.
- As a Kidie I want to be able to filter events by searching the text in the event description so that I can find events that match my key interests.
- As a Kidie I want to be able to mark an event visually so that I can highlight the events that I am thinking of attending