- Let's create Crisp Sets with Linguistic variables. Also add Mamdani inferencing multipliers for every Crisp Set.
Temperature = ["Cold", "Medium", "Hot"] # degree
TemperatureMultiplier = [3, 1, 3]
Rain = ["Drizzling", "Raining", "Showering"] # drops/s
RainMultiplier = [1.1, 2, 3]
WindSpeed = ["Quite", "Feels", "BlowsAway"] # m/s
WindMultiplier = [1, 2, 5]
Path = ["Easy", "Medium", "Hard"] # multiplier
- Now write the function which prepares coefficient weights for part of linear function.
def getWeight(x, left, right, inverted=False):
if x <= left: return 1 if inverted else 0
if x >= right: return 0 if inverted else 1
if inverted:
return 1 - (x - left) / (right - left)
return (x - left) / (right - left)
- Here create the function which prepares coefficient weights for part of linear function, but triangulary shaped.
def getTriangleWeight(x, left, center, right, inverted=False):
return getWeight(x, left, center, inverted) if x <= center else getWeight(x, center, right, not inverted)
- Temperature, Rain, WindSpeed Fuzzy Sets.
def tempFuncWeights(x):
return (getWeight(x, 0, 10, True), getTriangleWeight(x, 7, 15, 27), getWeight(x, 27, 31))
def rainFuncWeights(x):
return (getTriangleWeight(x, 0, 1, 2), getWeight(x, 0, 4), getWeight(x, 0, 7))
def windFuncWeights(x):
return (getWeight(x, 0, 2, True), getTriangleWeight(x, 2, 4, 7), getWeight(x, 7, 15))
- A simple function for First of Maximum method calculation.
def FoM(tuple): # First of Maximum
maxValue = max(tuple)
if tuple[0] == maxValue:
return (maxValue, 0)
if tuple[1] == maxValue:
return (maxValue, 1)
return (maxValue, 2)
- Finally, write the defuzzification function using FoM (First of Maximum) method. Also this defuzzification function works with Mamdani inferencing shown in p.1.
def calcDefuzzificatedValue(w1, w2, w3):
res1 = FoM(w1)[0] * TemperatureMultiplier[FoM(w1)[1]]
res2 = FoM(w2)[0] * RainMultiplier[FoM(w2)[1]]
res3 = FoM(w3)[0] * WindMultiplier[FoM(w3)[1]]
return res1 + res2 + res3
- The other code just shows how my implementation works.
xses = (10, 5, 15)
print("How hard to go on a trip with (Temperature =", xses[0], ", Rain =", xses[1], " WindSpeed =", xses[2], ") ==",
calcDefuzzificatedValue(tempFuncWeights(xses[0]), rainFuncWeights(xses[1]), windFuncWeights(xses[2])))
x = np.linspace(0, 31, 10)
y = np.linspace(0, 7, 10)
windSpeed = 15
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
Z = [[calcDefuzzificatedValue(tempFuncWeights(i), rainFuncWeights(j), windFuncWeights(windSpeed)) for i in x] for j in y]
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.axes(projection='3d')
ax.set_xlabel("Temperature, degrees")
ax.set_ylabel("Rain, drops/s")
ax.set_zlabel("How hard to go on a trip with {}, m/s wind speed".format(windSpeed))
ax.contour3D(X, Y, Z, 100, cmap='viridis')
- An output text.
- Images of my Mamdani inferencing.
or from another side
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Temperature = ["Cold", "Medium", "Hot"] # degree
TemperatureMultiplier = [3, 1, 3]
Rain = ["Drizzling", "Raining", "Showering"] # drops/s
RainMultiplier = [1.1, 2, 3]
WindSpeed = ["Quite", "Feels", "BlowsAway"] # m/s
WindMultiplier = [1, 2, 5]
Path = ["Easy", "Medium", "Hard"] # multiplier
def getWeight(x, left, right, inverted=False):
if x <= left: return 1 if inverted else 0
if x >= right: return 0 if inverted else 1
if inverted:
return 1 - (x - left) / (right - left)
return (x - left) / (right - left)
def getTriangleWeight(x, left, center, right, inverted=False):
return getWeight(x, left, center, inverted) if x <= center else getWeight(x, center, right, not inverted)
def tempFuncWeights(x):
return (getWeight(x, 0, 10, True), getTriangleWeight(x, 7, 15, 27), getWeight(x, 27, 31))
def rainFuncWeights(x):
return (getTriangleWeight(x, 0, 1, 2), getWeight(x, 0, 4), getWeight(x, 0, 7))
def windFuncWeights(x):
return (getWeight(x, 0, 2, True), getTriangleWeight(x, 2, 4, 7), getWeight(x, 7, 15))
def calcDefuzzificatedValue(w1, w2, w3):
res1 = FoM(w1)[0] * TemperatureMultiplier[FoM(w1)[1]]
res2 = FoM(w2)[0] * RainMultiplier[FoM(w2)[1]]
res3 = FoM(w3)[0] * WindMultiplier[FoM(w3)[1]]
return res1 + res2 + res3
def FoM(tuple): # First of Maximum
maxValue = max(tuple)
if tuple[0] == maxValue:
return (maxValue, 0)
if tuple[1] == maxValue:
return (maxValue, 1)
return (maxValue, 2)
xses = (10, 5, 15)
print("How hard to go on a trip with (Temperature =", xses[0], ", Rain =", xses[1], " WindSpeed =", xses[2], ") ==",
calcDefuzzificatedValue(tempFuncWeights(xses[0]), rainFuncWeights(xses[1]), windFuncWeights(xses[2])))
x = np.linspace(0, 31, 10)
y = np.linspace(0, 7, 10)
windSpeed = 15
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
Z = [[calcDefuzzificatedValue(tempFuncWeights(i), rainFuncWeights(j), windFuncWeights(windSpeed)) for i in x] for j in y]
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.axes(projection='3d')
ax.set_xlabel("Temperature, degrees")
ax.set_ylabel("Rain, drops/s")
ax.set_zlabel("How hard to go on a trip with {}, m/s wind speed".format(windSpeed))
ax.contour3D(X, Y, Z, 100, cmap='viridis')