We implement the traditional reconstruction pipelne(point cloud + mesh), and use Color Map Optimization to draw clear textures on mesh.
All the dependencies used in this repo are listed as below:
- Open3d 0.16.0
- Opencv 4.7.0
- Sklearn 1.2.2
- Numpy 1.23.3
- Scipy 1.9.3
- Matplotlib 3.6.1
- Png
- Glob
This dataset is captured by Hololens2 and consists of two video recordings of two different room scenes. Each capture contains thousands of RGB video frames in 1280×720, monocular depth frames in a lower capturing frequency, the intrinsic parameters of the camera, and the corresponding camera poses and timestamp for each RGB frame. For the first capture (AnnaTrain/GowthamTrain), the HoloLens has a relatively slow movement, which results in a dataset containing less motion blur. While the second capture (named AnnaTest/GowthamTest) contains more motion blur.
Directory Structure
├── AnnaTrain
├── AnnaTest
├── GowthamTrain
├── GowthamTest
└── Color_Map_Optimization
├── color_map_optimization.py
├── ...
We have a well reconstructed room mesh(.obj) in ./resource
. To visulize it, use:
cd ./Color_Map_Optimization && python ./Visualization_rotate.py
To reconstruct the room from scatch, please download aforementioned dataset, and run:
python ./color_map_optimization.py
- color_map_optimization.py: main implementation. Including dataloader, aligning RGB and depth images, point_cloud and mesh reconstruction, and color map optimization.
- filter_blurry_images.py: select blurry images from the mixture of clear and blurry images.
- llff_convertion.py: generate poses_bounds.npy for NeRF-based methods.
- mesh2rgb.py: input camera poses to render rgb images with pre-built models.
- metrices_compute.py: run evaluation metrices to output images of NeRF-based methods.
- pcd_stitching.py: use ICP for point cloud stitching
- pcd2mesh.py: implement poisson surface reconstruction to recover mesh from point clouds
- pcd2rgb.py: input camera poses to render rgb images with pre-built point clouds.
- Visualization_rotate.py visualize (point cloud/mesh)files in a rotating form.
- visualization.py dependencies for visualization.