It's a ShellScript CLI App that picks-up github's links, like events, trendings, or a User's repository.
The features are: Search, Explore, Trending, Trending Devs, Get User Info, Topics, Learn and Open Souce Guide.
$ git clone git+
$ cd GH-Detective/
$ ./
Note: If you are using Git's Shell Terminal on Windows, the ghd command will be
$ ghd search [search]
It'll returns to you informations from the Github's Search page.
With Language parameter:
$ ghd search [search] <lang>
- Lang can be whatever language that you want.
It'll returns to you informations from the Github's Search page filtred by language.
With Type parameter:
$ ghd search [search] <type>
- Type can be:
It'll returns to you informations from the Github's Search page filtred by type.
With Sort parameter:
$ ghd search [search] <sort>
- Sort can be:
It'll returns to you informations from the Github's Search page sorted.
$ ghd search unreal Csharp --best --r
$ ghd search unreal -b -r python
$ ghd search boot -star
$ ghd search rickb --user
$ ghd search rickb python -u
$ ghd search design --discussions
$ ghd
$ ghd explore
It'll returns to you informations from the Explore Github's page.
$ ghd devs
With Since parameter
$ ghd devs <--since>
- Since can be:
With Language parameter
$ ghd devs <lang>
- Lang can be whatever language that you want.
$ ghd devs python --m
$ ghd devs -w cpp
It'll returns to you informations from the Trending > Developers Github's page.
$ ghd get [username]
It'll returns to you informations from the Github > Developer's Profie.
With Repository parameter
$ ghd get [username] <--repo>
- Repo can be:
It'll returns to you informations from the Github > Developer's Repositories.
$ ghd get rickbarretto
$ ghd get john-preston -r
$ ghd topic [topic]
It'll returns to you informations from the Github > Topics > Topic.
With Sort parameter
$ ghd topic [topic] <--sort>
- Sort can be:
It'll returns to you informations from the Github > Topics > Topic sorted.
$ ghd topic 3d
$ ghd topic bash --new
$ ghd learn
Returns all Learning content from Github > Collections > Learn To Code
After using a command that returns Github's links, you can use this command to automaticaly open, on standard browser, the last links showed.
$ ghd open [grep-array]
- Grep-Array can be:
- You must to write the link adress, or a section from this link. The program'll parse it and open.
- You can search for multiples links, use space to separe it.
It'll returns to you the last informations showed on terminal.
$ ghd topic bash --s
$ ghd open the-art pure-bash check
$ ghd get john-preston --repos
$ ghd open desktop macho meson
$ ghd opensource
Opens Source Guidelines
$ ghd guide
Opens Source Guidelines